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Expansion Requirements


HSS Indicators Requirements


Add HPV to Child Coverage Screen*

HSS indicator OI-C5.1 and IR-C 1.10 require collecting coverage information on HPV. To provide this information, data collection fields must be added to the Child Coverage screen on SELV. The addition will include (see Figure 1):

A new age column (9-12 Years) will be added to the right of the 12-23 months column.

The column will have 3 sub-columns, consistent with the 0-11 months and 12-23 months columns; Health center, Outreach, and Total

Health Center and Outreach are required fields

Health Center and Outreach will include NR checkboxes that deactivate the fields

Health Center and Outreach fields will be numeric only and limited to 7 characters

The Total column will automatically calculate the sum of the values entered in health center and outreach

The only data collection fields in this column will be for HPV

A new row will be added to the bottom of the screen labeled “HPV”.

The HPV row will only have data collection fields for the 9-12 years column

HPV will only have data collection fields for females

In addition to the sub-columns of the age range column, HPV will also have data collection fields for Total Vaccination, Opened Vials, and Opened Vials Wastage Rate, consistent with the other products on the child coverage screen.


II.              Add Division of Males and Females to Child Coverage Screen

To maintain consistency with the coverage information forms, the Child Coverage Screen needs to differentiate, for each dose of each product, male children and female children vaccinated (see Figure 1).

A new column “Sex” will be added to the right of the “Target Group” before the 0-11 months column with labels Male and Female (stacked vertically)

Each dose will have a Male and Female (stacked vertically) data collection field for each column for which data is collected: 0-11 months health center, 0-11 months outreach, 12-23 months health center, 12-23 months outreach.

HPV will only be collected for females; it will not have data collection fields for Males.

The “Total” fields will total all 4 of the relevant fields (males health center and outreach, females health center and outreach)



Figure 1. Child Coverage Screen with M/F Division and HPV

 III.            Add Capability to Collect information on Motorbikes

In order to collect information of functional motorbikes available at health centers several new questions will be added to the Visit Info screen. The questions will include (see Figure 2):

How many motorized vehicles are at HU?

Required field


2 character length

How many of the motorized vehicles were functioning at the time of the visit?

Required field


2 character length

How many of the motorized vehicles had a problem since the last visit (but were functioning at the time of the visit)?

Required field


2 character length

What were the problems experienced?

Required field

Multiple selection field with responses:

Lack of funding for fuel

Unable to schedule repairs

Lack of funding for repairs

Missing parts

Other (with free text specification field)

NR check box (inactivates other responses)

How many days was there no/limited transport available?

Required field


2 character length


Figure 2. Updated Visit Info Screen with Motorbike Information


REC Indicators Requirements

In addition to the HSS indicators, additional changes are needed to collect information for REC indicators. These changes include adding several new questions to the Visit Info screen.


III.              Technical Staff

To identify the number of facilities employing at least 2 technical staff, then number of technical staff at the facility will be included on the Visit Info screen. The question will meet the following requirements (see Figure 3):

How many technical staff work at this facility?

Required field


2 character length

Field to be prepopulated with data from the previous month

Defaulted data is editable for the current period


IV.            Planned & Completed Outreach Visits

To collect information about planned and completed outreach visits per facility, additional questions will be added to the Visit Information screen. The questions include (see Figure 3):

Number of outreach visits planned for the month?

Required field


2 character length

Number of outreach visits completed for the month?

Required field


2 character length



Figure 3. Visit Info Screen with HSS & REC Indicators


Scale Up Requirements


I.               Localize Calendar

The current java calendar control is not multi-lingual, and the current calendar only displays in English (Figure 4). Changes to the calendar widget are needed to make it multi-lingual and responsive to the language selected by the user, including all labels, as shown in Figure 5. Additionally, the order of the days should be consistent with the standards for the language. This was implemented on the SIIL branch of OpenLMIS. New development is not required, but the change from SIIL must be merged into the SELV branch.

Figure 4. Current Calendar Display

Figure 5. To-Be Calendar Display


II.              Prior Observations Available

Field Coordinators record their observations from facility visits on the visit info page, but they are not available in SELV for the next period to follow up on any observations made previously. To address the issue, a new “Prior Observations” field will be added to the visit info page (Figure 6). The new field will meet the following requirements:


Localized for Portuguese

Displays any text entered in the “Observations” field from the immediately preceding period (for example, the prior observations field in the October 2016 distribution would display the text entered in the September 2016 distribution).




Figure 6. To-Be Visit Info Page with Prior Observations Field


III.            District & Provincial Stores

Data from district and provincial level storerooms has not been collected in SELV to this point, but is necessary for national expansion. The current data collection forms for each distribution include several forms that are not relevant to the stores, as they are only storage facilities, and not vaccination posts, as the health centers are. To allow for data collection district and provincial stores will be added to SELV with a “warehouse” (facility type code wrh). Any facility with a “warehouse” facility type should not be required to collect the coverage information: the information on the Full Coverage, Child Coverage, and Adult Coverage Screens. The 3 coverage screens will be toggled off for any “warehouse” type facilities (Figure 7).

Figure 7. To-Be Record Data Screen for Warehouse Facility-types


IV.            Fridge Tracking

Currently users can add a new fridge or delete a fridge in from the Refrigerators record data screen. Users cannot, however, edit the information of an existing fridge if information was recorded incorrectly. Additionally, the fridges are identified by brand, model, and type, but do not include a unique identifier, making it difficult to track if there are multiple fridges of the same type.

Add ability to collect fridge serial number. A field for serial number will be included when adding a new fridge or editing an existing one.

An edit function needs to be added meeting the following requirements:

Edit button available in the Refrigerators screen (see Figure 8).

When “Edit” is selected a dialogue box (similar to the “new refrigerator” dialogue box) displays, prepopulated with the existing information for that fridge. The user can edit the brand, type, and model of the fridge (Figure 9).

If there is more than one fridge, the edit button will be available on the data collection page (seen via the “show” button) for each fridge.

Figure 8. To-Be “Edit” Button on Fridge Data Collection Page

Figure 9. To-Be “Edit Refrigerator” Dialogue Box


V.             View Load Amounts

The View Load Amounts screen uses the ISA calculations configured in the system (Figure 10) to estimate the required amounts of stock per facility for a distribution period. Another option that is often used, and often more accurate, is to use the average monthly consumption (AMC). To provide this feature, a calculation for the AMC will be added, along with an option on the View Load Amounts screen allowing the user to look at the ISA values or the AMC values (Figure 11).

Figure 10.  ISA Configuration

When a user selects the View Load Amounts screen, the screen will display with the addition of a dropdown menu (Figure 11) allowing users to select the AMC or ISA value. The following criteria will be met:

AMC is the default selection

Screen reloads automatically if the user selects a different calculation method

If an ISA minimum value (see Figure 10) is set, the ISA values will override load amounts less than ISA value for AMC based calculations as well as ISA calculated values. For example, the minimum ISA value for BCG is 440 doses. If AMC is selected on the View Load Amounts screen and C. S. West facility’s AMC for BCG was 328 doses, the ISA value will override the lower value, and the amount displayed will be 440.

AMC is the average consumption over the past 3 distribution periods

From EPI Use of past 3 distribution periods:

([product] distributed + [product] loss) / 3

If data is not available from the past 3 consecutive distribution periods, the system will use an average of the data from the past 2 periods, or last period, based on availability.

If there is no data from any of the past 3 distribution periods that cell should display the ISA value with an notation (*) with the message displaying at the top of the screen: “*ISA calculation, past consumption data not available”


Figure 11.  To-Be View Load Amounts Screen


VI.            NR All Button

Currently, a button exists on several screens (EPI Inventory, EPI Use, Full Coverage, Child Coverage, and Adult Coverage) allowing a user to select the NR check box for all fields on the screen (Figure 12). Currently, to clear the NR selection after applying to all, the user is required to do so manually.

Figure 12.                 Apply NR to all fields button

If selected, the button will change to “Clear NR from all fields” allowing the user to remove the NR selection from all fields on the screen (Figure 13). Additionally, when selecting the clear NR option, the user will be presented with a confirmation message that they do want to clear the fields (Figure 14).

Figure 13.                 To-Be Clear NR from all fields Button

Figure 14.                 To-Be Clear NR from all fields Confirmation Message


VII.          Data Management

Administrative users in SELV need the ability to review and edit data after it has been collected and synchronized by the field coordinators. The most direct method for data management would be to add the feature directly into SELV, so administrators can review data that has been entered from the browser, and make edits if necessary. This was implemented on the SIIL branch of OpenLMIS. New development is not required, but the change from SIIL must be merged into the SELV branch.


1.               User Rights

User rights under the Admin Role type:

Admin – View Synchronized Data

Allows users to access the Review Data Screen

Allows users to access synchronized distributions in read-only mode (through the view link)

Allows users to view, download, or print the Edit History from the review data screen

Admin – Edit Synchronized Data

Allows users to access the Review Data Screen

Allows users to access all synchronized distributions in read-only mode (through the view/edit link)

Allows users to access to Edit and Sync features (through the edit link) for distributions synched within the past month

Allows users to view, download, or print the Edit History from the review data screen


Figure 15.                 Admin Role Additions


2.               Review Data Screen

Distributions sub menu item: “Review Data”

Available if user has either or both admin rights

Figure 16.                 Distributions Sub-menu Items

Review data screen offers several filters users can set to populate the “Synchronized Distributions List” and information

The Review Data screen and sub menu item are available only to users with Admin – View Synchronized Data and/or Admin – Edit Synchronized Data rights

Available filters:



Delivery Zone

Distribution Period

-       Available distribution periods are those with 100% of data synchronized

Data included on Synchronized Distributions List:


Delivery Zone


Date of initiation

Date of synchronization

Last viewed date (most recent date that a user viewed the data, if applicable – blank if not viewed)

Last edited date (most recent date that a user edited any data, if applicable – blank if not edited)

User that last edited the distribution data (if applicable – blank if not edited)

View data/Edit data link

View displays if:

User has View Data rights only

User has Edit Data rights and the distribution was synched more than 2 months in the past

Edit displays if:

User has Edit Data rights

Distribution was synched 1 month ago or more recently

Edit history download and view/print link

-       Print link - report opens as a PDF

-       Report can be printed from the PDF report

-       Download csv – downloads csv file with info

Users can sort by information in any column by clicking on the sort arrows on the right side of the column heading (except view/edit link and edit history)

1 click sorts descending/alphabetical/most recent -  least recent

2 clicks sorts ascending/reverse alphabetical/least recent – most recent

Default sort by sync date (descending)

Figure 17.                 Review Data Screen with View & Edit Rights


Figure 18. Review Data Screen with View Only Rights

When a user selects the “View Data” or “Edit Data” link, the synchronized data from the distribution will be cached locally (as it is when distributions are initiated) to enable the user to view or edit data offline.

Edits made to the data will be automatically saved locally and synced with the server using the “Save” button when the user has access to an internet connection.

If a distribution has been cached by a user for editing (through the Edit Data link) and a second user attempts to edit the distribution a dialogue box will display (see Figure 5) stating: “Editing for this distribution has already been initiated by [username] at [date/time stamp]. Do you still want to continue?”

Figure 18.                 Distribution Edit in Progress Dialogue Box


3.               View/Edit Data Screens:

When a user selects to view or edit a distribution, the data is cached locally on their device, so they can continue to review or edit data offline. The screens will appear as they do in the record data screens populated with the data.

Status color indicators will all be blue (synced)

All fields display as read-only


Figure 19.                 Visit Info/Observations Screen – View Only Rights

For users with edit rights, additional features will be available on each screen for distributions synched within the past month:

Edit button added to each screen (Visit Info, Refrigerators, EPI Inventory, EPI Use, Full Coverage, Child Coverage, Adult Coverage)

When the “Edit” button is selected, the fields on that screen change from read only to editable fields


Figure 20. EPI Inventory  - Edit Data Screen (Read Only Mode)


Figure 21.                 EPI Inventory  - Edit Data Screen (Edit Mode)

Edited data is automatically saved locally

If data that factors into an automatic calculation (such as coverage rate or opened vials wastage rate) is edited, the system will automatically update the calculated values

A Sync button is added the screen to save edited data to the database (for users with edit rights)

The button is only available in online mode, while in offline mode it is low-lit

When sync button is clicked, a confirmation dialogue box appears stating: “Syncing will overwrite the existing values in the database. Do you still want to continue?”

When changes to data are synced, only the edited values are updated in the database

Figure 22.                 Save Edited Data Confirmation:          


4.               Data Edit History

A log of the edit history for each distribution in the Synchronized Distribution List on the Review Data Screen will be available (through the Edit History download/print links) with following information for the distribution (see Figure 10):


Health Facility

Data Screen (visit info, Refrigerators, EPI Inventory, etc.)

Edited data item

Old value

New value

Date/time edited

User who performed the edit

Edit History Links

Download CSV – automatically downloads the history in CSV format

Print – Opens a new window with a PDF version of the history that the user can review, save, or print from the browser.

Figure 23.                 Data Edit History (PDF)


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