Attendees / Stakeholders
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) is moving to in April. He'll be at Ona full-time through the end of March and part-time for the first two weeks of April. Afterwards, it'll be best to reach out to or to Craig when need be.
- Both Ben Leibert and Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) have action items to wrap up, and we'll aim to do so prior to next Tuesday.
- Ben Leibert will remove all existing HSS data from the database and let Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) know when he's done so.
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) will remove "DIRECCAO PROVINCIAL DA SAUDE DE" and "DIRECCAO PROVINCIAL DA SAUDE DA" from the text within controls on the HSS tab.
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) will add the names of provinces and districts which NiFi recognizes as valid to a new tab within the Excel template files.
- Our next formal meeting will be on 3/26, at the same time, which works for everyone.