- Josh Zamor to let Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) know that the monday call won’t have Casey and Carli
- VR could followup on data
- Josh Zamor to clean up comments addressed to him
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to fill in section on MVP, L1, L2… of integration profiles and capabilities given different deployment topologies (divide whole doc that way?)
- Josh Zamor to propose a new outline (re-order sections so that the story bubbles to the top)
- Josh Zamor to reach out to OpenELIS on: user, facility, login credentials
- Josh Zamor to look up some lab products and ask Carli + Olivier
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) add lab program, sb-requistion template, etc.
- Josh Zamor : Story board bullet points for how we’re going to show this
- Log-in, describe user(s), story
- Push the buttons, see this, do that, life is easy, ta-da.
- User’s and their stories will come later but I’ll give some dummy-names
- Josh Zamor to send-out one-line intro/status email to devs to keep us on-track / aware
- Budget code: 616 (for VR)