There are few short steps to take in order to debug a service (in this case, we'll debug requisition):
1. In openlmis-blueref-distro's compose file, comment requisition service section (so blue the reference distribution will start without it).
2. Add network_mode: "host" parameter to nginx container in openlmis-ref-blue distro compose file.
3. Run openlmis-blue ref-distro as normal.
4. Enter openlmis-requisition's folder, and edit your .env file to have it's BASE_URL and CONSUL_HOST values the same as in openlmis-blueref-distro.
5. Run service as usual with docker-compose run --service-ports requisition.
6. Run npm install.
7. Run gradle consulRegistration.
8. Run gradle bootRun --debug-jvm
9. Attach debugger in your IDE.