Versions Compared


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1In terms of personas, the DIVO, storeroom manager, and intermediate level logistician all record stock movements and monitor stockouts. Should they be called out separately in the user stories?

2Should we address lot management in v3.3?

3Adding stories on bundling orderables/products (kits)

4Do we want OpenLMIS to continue dealing with facility as the most granular level, or do we want to add a lower level? If we add new "sites"/"locations" within a facility, we can also use that as a mechanism to indicate when stock is distributed to a specific CHW, e.g.

5Do we need to bring the doses vs vials question to Copenhagen? It sounds like both need to be options, but we also need a better understanding (and examples) of where and when to use those different units (and how configurable to make it).

6Open vial wastage vs closed vial wastage need to be discussed more

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