Stock Management for Vaccines

Stock Management for Vaccines


Tracking the movements of the stock and vaccines within the storeroom/refrigerator is essential aspect of visibility into what vaccines are where within each level of the supply chain. OpenLMIS version 3.1 included the initial release of Stock Management functionality (Stock Management). The following stories were identified as enhancements or changes needed to specifically support the management of vaccines within the EPI program.

  • We've defined stock management as everything dealing with stock/vaccines for my facility and store rooms/refrigerators only. Workflows related to stock at lower levels should be included in Re-Supply. This includes issuing/fulfilling/allocating to a lower level, checking stock levels at a lower level, etc.
  • Recording wastage and capturing reasons for wastage at the users storeroom/CCE is covered in this domain. The wastage data is also recorded/viewed in the Re-supply process.  Wastage is also an input for Forecasting and Estimation.

Specific stock management features planned for OpenLMIS version 3.3

This table shows the specific features and user stories slated for inclusion in the OpenLMIS version 3.3, which will include the MVP for managing vaccines. The top row indicates the key user activities within the domain, click on the header to navigate to page with details on the related user stories (vertical cells in the table). The user stories with green backgrounds are currently planned for the MVP for the development roadmap. The stories with yellow backgrounds are under discussion and may or may not be included in the MVP scope. The stories in blue are completed. The stories with white backgrounds will be considered up next if more funds become available or after the initial release.


  • Green is planned for MVP
  • Yellow is under discussion
  • Blue is completed
  • White is up next
  • Headers = Key user activities
  • Cells = Stories
Enter Stock DataView Stock DataAlerts & NotificationsKPIs & ReportsBarcodesRe-supply Dependencies
Record VVM with physical inventory

Show VVM status

Not needed

Low stock notification

(removed from MVP scope)

Closed vial wastage

Product barcodes

Votes: 3

Pick list (will be addressed in Re-Supply)

Votes: 2

Record VVM with adjustment

Print physical inventory results*

(*note: one aspect of this is still to do, see page)

Stockout notificationFull stock availability

Issuing and Receiving using barcode

Votes: 3

On-Time In-Full Report

Votes: 1

Record VVM with ad-hoc receiptInteractive view of low/high stock

Near Expiry notification

(removed from MVP scope)

Stocked according to planStock location barcodesMass Issue Screen*
Program specific adjustment reasons

Interactive view of expiring stock

Votes: 11

Recall notification

Stock sufficiency report

Notification to fill order*

(will be addressed in Re-Supply)

Bin cards for CCE equipment

Find nearby, available stockAd-hoc notificationOpen Vial Wastage

Requisition and Receipt Variance Report*

(will be addressed in Re-Supply)

Correct stock movementsVisualization for multi-level issuesRecall and return notificationSpace utilization

Create Requisition Visualization

(will be addressed in Re-Supply)

Add lots at any facility
Notifications of Vaccines Problems

Slow-moving items/inventory turns

Generate issue voucher

Votes: 5

Supporting GLNs / Facility-within-a-Facility

Schedule for physical stock count

Kits, diluents, syringes

Source: Final MVP whiteboard from Vaccines Workshop: /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/113054114

Out of Scope

  • Barcodes will be out of scope for the MVP

Open Questions


Where do we collect Program Data and Coverage Data? (In re-supply??)

The collection will ideally be done in a HMIS or another system, however OpenLMIS will want to see the data during the resupply process. See Re-Supply

Question from F&E domain: "Define MOS Months of Stock by product and facility"?

See Forecasting and Estimation for details on estimated need targets and max policy.

Question from F&E domain: "Define Buffer Stock—by product and facility, or by facility type"?

See Forecasting and Estimation for details on buffer stock.

Detailed Scope by Activity


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