

Welcome to the OpenLMIS Community! OpenLMIS is an enterprise-class electronic LMIS tool supported by an international community of donors, partners, implementers, and developers. This community is dedicated to providing continuous support to the countries and health programs that implement OpenLMIS, with a strong, ongoing focus on improving data visibility within health supply chains globally.

The community has a few opportunities for engagement and we welcome anyone who is interested to join our meetings, however certain groups may be more beneficial than others, depending on your interest in OpenLMIS

The OpenLMIS Community

If you are a


Discourse (Forum)

Contact Person

Donor, program manager, supply chain manager

Community Forum


Pranil Singh


Technical Committee / Office Hours


Josh Zamor

Program manager, implementer, developer, and anyone with questions about OpenLMIS

Country implementation engagements

David Crewe-Brown

Have a question about OpenLMIS? Want to learn more? Visit openlmis.org, or contact info@openlmis.org

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