Governance Committee

Governance Committee

The purpose of the governance committee is to provide leadership to the OpenLMIS community including defining community processes, leading fundraising and advocacy efforts, and building a sustainable community. The governance committee meets monthly, and is made up of key donor and implementation partner members. 

Join the OpenLMIS Governance Committee

Online Forum

To participate in the committee forum, see our Discourse Category
Contact the Community Manager

Questions about OpenLMIS? Want to get involved?

Email the OpenLMIS Community Manager, Rebecca Alban at info@openlmis.org

Committee Meetings

The governance committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at:

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

3PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)

5PM EAT - Dar  (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)

Conference Details (via Zoom Conferencing) 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/377281719

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +19294362866,,377281719# US or +16699006833,,377281719# US 

Or Telephone:
+1 929 436 2866 US  +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 377 281 719
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=wRxqI2_rSgQgMuyGfkJqWpM151Lwg6Bd

Agenda & Notes 


OpenLMIS Community ManagerRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Committee MemberOrganization
Contact Information
Voting MemberObserver

Lindabeth Doby

Ramy Guirguis




Kelly HamblinBMGFKelly.Hamblin@gatesfoundation.orgX

Ashraf Islam

Edward Wilson


edward_wilson@jsi.com X
Carl Leitner (Chair)PATH / Digital Squarecleitner@path.org X
Satish ChoudhuryCHAIschoudhury@clintonhealthaccess.orgX

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Rebecca Alban




Jean Miller

GHSC-PSM Chemonicsjmiller@ghsc-psm.orgX

Matt Berg

Craig Appl




Chris WrightGavicwright-external-consultant@gavi.org
Mahmud IslamSoftworksmahmud@softworksbd.com                         X
Jakub SlawinskiSolDevelojslawinski@soldevelo.com              X
Brian TaliesinPATHbtaliesin@path.org
Dan CocosBAO Systemsdcocos@baosystems.com

Paul Lalvani

Sachin Jagtap

Empower School of Health





The OpenLMIS Governance Committee Charter may be viewed here: OpenLMIS Governance Committee Charter

A guidance document outlining the definition and role of OpenLMIS Trusted Partners may be viewed here: OpenLMIS Trusted Partners

Meeting Agenda

Prior to each instance of a Governance Committee meeting, the elected chair will facilitate development of an agenda using items submitted by OpenLMIS Governance Committee members. The Secretary will then update the existing OpenLMIS Wiki page with the planned agenda items. The agenda should roughly follow the below structure:

  1. Introductory Items such as:
    • Introductions (if any)
    • Agenda review
    • Minutes and actions from last meeting
    • Any potential issues that may require a vote. 
  1. Main agenda items proposed by Committee members
  2. Current and potential implementation opportunities
  3. Summary of OpenLMIS inquiries in the last month
  4. Review and approval of feature requests (with budget) from PC (quarterly basis?)
  5. Review progress reports from PC ?and TC?
  6. Review membership
  7. AOB
  8. Review and summarize new actions from this meeting

Voting Process

How to vote

  • Voting will be carried out via email, or using Google Forms. The email or google form will be sent via email to the voting members (listed above) 
  • If the primary voting member is unavailable, they must designate an alternate will vote in their place, noting that the primary was unavailable
  • If an organization misses a vote due to lack of participation in the voting process, or votes after the period has closed, their vote will not be considered

Required Support for a Vote 

  • Votes on legal matters or relating to the OpenLMIS business plan(s) require support by at least 2/3 of members
  • Votes regarding basic actions and feature approvals that don't adversely affect current implementations will require a simple majority
  • The chair gets a vote and is responsible for adjudicating should there be a voting dispute

Proposals or issues requiring a vote must be made publicly available for discussion on the Governance Committee Google Group forum prior to the next Governance Committee meeting instance.

It is the submitter's responsibility to start a vote after this discussion during the next instance of a Governance Committee meeting. 

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