Dec 8, 2020

Dec 8, 2020

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


  • 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
  • 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
  • 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)

Call Details

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/377281719

One tap mobile +16699006833,,377281719# US (San Jose) or +19294362866,,377281719# US

Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) or +1 929 436 2866 US
Meeting ID: 377 281 719
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU

Action items for next call  - Off Cycle call to be held Nov 23

Action Items 

Governance committee members, particularly voting members, attend call on Nov 23rd to participate in final decision-making process





Chat Captures

Introductions and Call opening (5 min)

  • Notes from Nov Governance call

November Notes


Review agenda for this call

Global Digital Health Forum: Reflections from OpenLMIS Panel Discussion 

(5 min)

Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Panelists: Kim Couri, Carl Fourie, Dianna Lourenco

The Hidden Cost of Free: Exploring the Challenge of Sustainability for Global Goods 

Link to the slide deck


  • (Brandon) Are the recordings sharable for people who didn't attend the conference? (Rebecca) Can follow up to see.

New Partner Announcement and Next Steps

(20-25 min)

  • Shared official announcement of handover partner selection (which is still confidential) determined via unanimous GC agreement. Lots of enthusiasm on both sides of the partnership.
  • (Ashraf) For discussion w/ handover partner, did you come to an agreement about the copyrights? (Rebecca) Still being worked out in the Definitive Agreement; getting advice from different legal teams. (Brandon) The details of the IP work are some of the open questions with the WG as part of the selection discussion. Handover partner is the closest of the shortlisted candidates to what we're looking for and we're working with legal teams and FOSS experts to make the right decision, confirm an exit plan, and make sure to adhere to Community values.
  • (Ashraf) Once we come to an agreement about the IP, can we inform the GC before making the final call? (Brandon) Yeah, that's a good idea. There's a memo with the main questions that we're hoping to put together. We can circulate that as long as it's confidential.


-heading toward our Transition Phase (finally!); working out contract in the coming month

-we have not yet informed our non-selected partners, which is why we are keeping this news confidential for now

-January will be co-creating and future state planning; will be creating a detailed Transition Plan to map out milestones

Discussion Questions: How can we set this partnership up for success?

Ashraf: Vitalliance should be tasked with putting meat on the bone for their vision and what types of assistance they would need from existing partners. Partners can indicate their willingness to support, but they should be taking the lead

Brian: How do you see them being introduced to the individuals doing implementations in country? 

Ashraf: They should flesh out the Enterprise Support plan; now that they are taking over they can determine what the tiers are (not VR and Kim's team); then we would feel comfortable to bring them in and talk to country client

Gaurav: Would be good to keep governance members in the loop so that the terms are clearly understood by all and they can provide feedback. Another point is that govt counterparts where OpenLMIS has been deployed, we should give them a heads up (before the public announcement). They are an important stakeholder and should be treated separately re: how we roll out this announcement

Brandon: How can we do that (to reach them) and what type of govt counterparts exactly?

Gaurav: We can communicate it as a follow on to partnership to handover communication; as an update to the status and process (similar to the email the governance committee recieved). This should be for those MoH officials who are managing OpenLMIS deployments in country. Would look to implementing teams on the ground to give us the MoH/CMS names/contacts for the audience for this round of communications

Brandon: What type of communication would be appropriate?

Gaurav: Written communication from OpenLMIS core (not meetings) would work; and teams can bring forward any questions from individuals. 

Carl L: Question around the roadmap and how they are going to approach it; good to have some Zoom facetime who will be overseeing it; how they will engage with the community; their development priorities. To give a sense of what is to be expected. And on a related note, how they want to engage at a governance level with the community. Would be nice to address these things in early 2021-no urgency but want to see the process documented and unfold. Like a more focused discussion with the governance committee

Wes: Would be good to have one main meeting to introduce Vitalliance to the community; have a wholistic discussion. Then another meeting down the line can be more specifically focused on the roadmap/dev plans

Brian: What type of technical discussion is needed to help Vitalliance lean into the Enterprise Support piece? 

Wes: Would be good to understand their intent (or not) to keep the same processes going

Ashraf: Any discussion re: governance committee evolving/devolving once Vitalliance takes over?
Kim: They envision a Strategic Oversight Committee who would meet quarterly to oversee the transition and set KPIs for them to adhere to. Then also a larger Key User Group to weigh in on product direction

Kelly: thinking through communication and giving existing implementations prior notice is a good idea; maybe even other stakeholders as well...Keeping us informed as things progress. Would be good to reconnect with this group before the public announcement happens

Lindabeth: Be flexible; set ad hoc meetings if other things come up that we need to cover

Continuance of the Partnership Working Group:

  • LB: Probably good to keep a few more meetings in case there are things that we have thought of that haven't come up
  • Rebecca to move meeting that is currently Dec 30 to Jan 6th

Enterprise Support- Strategy Update

(15-20 min)

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

At our last meeting we talked about what to do next with Enterprise Support

Decision by steward team to pause and work closely together with the handover partner to work with them on how to sell and market these plans; its a big part of their revenue starting in Oct 2021; gives us 9 months of helping people plan and put this in budgets

This is a critical piece that will take everyone's help with messaging and collaboration to rally around this

still talking about bundling; possible lower price for v2 countries (but not focusing on these countries in our marketing)

Build toward start date of Oct 2021

Ashraf: Is in favor of this 'pause' option 

Kelly: this makes sense but might be good timing between now and Oct to connect with GF and Gavi who are also potential funders of Enterprise Support. GF is building out their 3 year funding plans now. Gavi, this is a longer time horizon but good to engage with both of these groups sooner rather than later. GF's grant-making process is ongoing

Gaurav: While we are in pause mode we are still continuing to provide enterprise support. We are now essentially in the Free Trial Period. Would be good to go to countries to tell them they are in a free trial period now and say that it will end in xx 2021. This should be part of our strategy with Vitalliance

Wes: does not feel we are currently providing the extent of Enterprise Support right now

Gaurav: We need to articulate what we are providing now (is it Enterprise Support?) 


Conferences and Meetings

Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum.


Upcoming (Virtual) Conferences for 2020 (let's add them here!)

  • Global Health Supply Chain Summit
    • Nov 9-20th (virtual)
  • Global Digital Health Forum 
    • December 2020 (virtual)
    • OpenLMIS core team submitted abstracts

Opportunities documentation

Definitions to use shared terminology:

  • Implementation opportunity: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.
  • Community opportunity: a funding opportunity to support an organization or individual to work directly on the global codebase and/or administrate the community processes. This may include funding specific features on the community roadmap.

Country implementation opportunities:

  • This Trello table is being updated on an ongoing basis; to help the core team to track and manage implementation opportunities, but also provides a detailed snapshot of the scope and status of current implementation opportunities for stakeholders.

Community Opportunities:

  • New Trello table! Similar to the above table, this tool is being used by the stewards to track our exploring of new product opportunities and partnerships

Study Tours:

  • Study Tours wiki page tracks applications received, study tours completed, and other key milestones related to OpenLMIS Study Tours (this activity is no longer active due to COVID-19)

Community and Product Updates
Product Updates
Community Updates

ATTENDANCE:  Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, Lindabeth Doby, AshrafBrian TaliesinCarl LeitnerGaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed)Jean MillerJosh ZamorJakub Sławiński, Kelly Hamblin, Wesley BrownKim Couri



OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software