Alerts & Notifications

Alerts & Notifications

Target release3.3

OLMIS-1293 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Document status


Document owner

Tech Lead


  • Add alerts and notifications needed for vaccines within Stock Management
  • Alerts aim to alert a user that action should be taken.


Vaccines May 2017 Workshop Attendees: Ryan McWhorter (UNICEF), Dorthe Konradsen (UNICEF), Teresa Ha (UNICEF), Brandon Bowersox-Johnson (VillageReach), plus some attendees who joined on day 2 or 3. 

OpenLMIS version 3.1.0 previously delivered an initial beta of stock management. See Stock Management for the detailed list of features.


  • The Notification service in OpenLMIS would be leveraged for this. The workshop did not discuss specific kinds of notifications (email versus SMS versus WhatsApp etc).

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets
1Low stock notification

AN1. Low stock notification

MVPOn hold due dependency on minStock definition.

OLMIS-2861 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2Stockout notification

AN2. Stockout notification


OLMIS-2873 - Getting issue details... STATUS

3Near Expiry notification

Near Expiry notification

Perhaps by expiration date, to trigger the notification. This is most relevant at resupply nodes, not at service delivery points. At re-supply nodes there is a chance to do something about it and get your stock out to a facility who might use it. But at a service delivery point there is less they can do about it.

We are sorting the fulfillment suggestions by expiry date
4Recall notification

Recall notification

As a National/Central ..., I want to trigger an alert by product and lot so that any facility with that lot is aware of a recall.

NextGot 9 votes!
5Ad-hoc notification

(draft text on wiki and photo)


6Recall and return notification(draft text on wiki and photo)Low

7Notification of Vaccines Problems


At the workshop, we determined that all the parts of this were already covered elsewhere. Stock expired (covered elsewhere); VIMS 3 and 4 (covered); missing supplies (covered by low stock alert).


8Chart to act on low stock

An alert with a chart to take action on low stock

(we decided this is not needed—it is addressed elsewhere)

Not needed




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of the vaccine workshop:



1Notification service in OpenLMIS may some day offer more formats (see note in Assumptions above). What mode of notification would the next top priority?


Out of Scope

  • (see Next in User Stories above)
  • SMS reminders
  • In application reminders

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