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Programmatic Data: Facility Setup

Target release



Programmatic Data

Document status


Document owner

Jenny Thompson <>

Technical Lead

Brian Taliesin <>


  • This functionality ensures that intermediate stores are captured in the tool to allow for data entry, issuing product to stores, tracking distributions, and estimating vaccine needs. Demographic information can be recorded for each intermediate store, as well as coverage rates by vaccine and by store.
  • The list of intermediate stores is available for issuing to stores and receiving returns back from stores
  • Reporting and monitoring allows for tracking total distributions to stores, as well as coverage and needs monitoring for the time period tracked in the tool (e.g., the calendar year).


ForKind of late in this section, but quite a bit of info elsewhere. DIVOs, accurate facility data helps to ensure stock levels at the district store are adequate to meet the needs of intermediate stores.
Coverage rates may be set at the intermediate store level or at the national or subnational level.


  • Demographic data is available for intermediate stores.
  • Storage capacity information is available for stores.
  • Start of period stock levels are available for stores.

User Stories



User Story





Load intermediate stores to SMT

As A DIVO, I want to set up intermediate stores so that I can manage issuing vaccines to them, track distributions, estimate vaccine needs, etcHave not included acceptance criteria here.
Seems like it should be for the current need, but depends on how these are going to be used. .


Must Have



Add new intermediate stores

As a DIVO, I want to add intermediate stores so that I can supply and manage when new stores are added.


Must Have



Update intermediate stores

As a DIVO, I want to update intermediate stores when their specifications change (e.g., storage capacity) soOpen question on what is locked down after year begins. that I can manually view this information.


Must Have



Monitor distributions to stores

As a DIVO, I want to monitor distributions to intermediate stores for the year so thatNot sure what they're doing with this information. similar to above, weak answer with the "so that"
I get why you might want to know this info, but don't want to make too many assumptions. we can more readily identify problems and improve performance.





Monitor coverage and needs of stores

As a DIVO, I want to monitor if coverage and needs of intermediate stores for the year are being met so thatNot sure what they're doing with this information. we can more readily identify problems and improve performance.





Activity Details/Narrative
1. Add or update intermediate stores


  • demographic information for stores, where available:
    • total population
    • pregnant women (calculation)
    • annual births (calculation)
    • surviving infants (calculation)
    • vaccination point


Programmatic Data: Vaccine Schedule
Programmatic Data: Collect coverage data for reporting






Open Questions

  1. Locking down changes to facilities after the year begins? Process for how this is done? New facilities, etcOpen questions in the VIMS documentation:
  2. The current version of VIMS does not keep audit record (before/after changes) of who changed a catchment population after locked down. It only capture the last modification date/user
  3. if a facility is never configured to report on vaccine program, is it expected to have demographic estimates anyways?
  4. What happens when a facility targets the same population group as facilities in lower levels?  Example - A district hospital, does it target population of the same district as health centers?
  5. Do we add figures from all facility types, to make up the district estimates? or some facility types are ignored?


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:









Out of Scope