- Tatenda Mutenga (Deactivated) to forward the emails sent to provinces with the reports last week (March - Gaza; Feb - CD and Niassa) by
- Tatenda Mutenga (Deactivated) to create user account for Dianna and train her in SELV usage by
- Tatenda: please use selv-training.villagereach.org for training so that Dianna can enter as much data as she likes to get a feel for the system.
- Tatenda Mutenga (Deactivated) to email list of new users created in SELV for Josh Zamor to manually verify these accounts; Tatenda then creates passwords for them and let them know by
- Vidya Sampath to create March distribution report by
- Mike Kinney (Deactivated) to look into tablets and accessories purchase (4 in total) for delivery during Tech-Net by