Mar 20, 2014
- Project Status/Schedule Update
- Welcome Rachel
- Sarah's Trip to Maputo 4/7-4/26
- Development Status
- Website
- Reports
- Environment
- UAT Status
- Triage List
- Project Roll-Out
- Training Materials
- Training Sessions
- Action Item Review
- Vidya Sampath
- Sarah Jackson (Deactivated)
- Wendy Prosser (Deactivated)
Not in Attendance: Ron Pankiewicz (Deactivated), Allen Wilcox (Deactivated)
Meeting Topics & Notes
- Bug Triage
Review triage list and determine priority of open bugs. Josh will be taking care of some fixes here, and there are an additional three tickets I need to send to ThoughtWorks. - Refrigerator Data
Long discuss about how we will enter refrigerator data into SELV. Outcome noted on ticket SELV-88. Decision:
Optionality English Fields Portuguese Translation 1 Required Unique Identifier / Serial # Brand 2 Optional Brand Model 3 Optional Model Type (Solar, Gas, Electric)
- We will not collect serial numbers, as these are difficult to get and not very useful
- Per Timoteo, almost all facilities have only one refrigerator. At the district, some have two refrigerators, one for the health center and one as a backup for the EPI program, but only the health center refrigerator should be tracked in the system.
- We want to enter the refrigerator data correct ONCE, so that it will be consistent. To support this, we will either:
A) have field coordinators add the refrigerators during the training using a standard format. Timoteo said they know Brand / Model / Type of most refrigerators, but he might need to have them check on a couple facilities.
B) enter all the data before the training, if we can get a list of inventory from the provinces
- We will not migrate refrigerator data from vrMIS because the data isn't clean
- 3. UAT Status
Argentina data entry underway. Should be complete by Monday.
Report testing in progress. Hope to have reports ready for timoteo to review next week.
Timoteo is having a problem accessing the site while offline. @Rachel to send detailed instructions, and Timoteo to retest.