2014-03-20 SELV Meeting notes

2014-03-20 SELV Meeting notes


Mar 20, 2014


Not in Attendance: Ron Pankiewicz (Deactivated), Allen Wilcox (Deactivated)

Meeting Topics & Notes

  1. Bug Triage
    Review triage list and determine priority of open bugs. Josh will be taking care of some fixes here, and there are an additional three tickets I need to send to ThoughtWorks.

  2. Refrigerator Data
    1. Long discuss about how we will enter refrigerator data into SELV. Outcome noted on ticket SELV-88. Decision:

       OptionalityEnglish FieldsPortuguese Translation
      1RequiredUnique Identifier / Serial #Brand
      3OptionalModelType (Solar, Gas, Electric)
      • We will not collect serial numbers, as these are difficult to get and not very useful
      • Per Timoteo, almost all facilities have only one refrigerator. At the district, some have two refrigerators, one for the health center and one as a backup for the EPI program, but only the health center refrigerator should be tracked in the system.
      • We want to enter the refrigerator data correct ONCE, so that it will be consistent. To support this, we will either:

A) have field coordinators add the refrigerators during the training using a standard format. Timoteo said they know Brand / Model / Type of most refrigerators, but he might need to have them check on a couple facilities.

B) enter all the data before the training, if we can get a list of inventory from the provinces

    • We will not migrate refrigerator data from vrMIS because the data isn't clean
  • 3. UAT Status

Argentina data entry underway. Should be complete by Monday. Timoteo to send Argentina's feedback ASAP.

Report testing is in progress. Hope to have reports ready for timoteo to review next week.

Timoteo is having a problem accessing the site while offline. @Rachel to send detailed instructions, and Timoteo to retest.

Timoteo requested clarification on some of the tasks assigned to him. We discussed scope on the call, and I also updated the tasks accordingly. Timoteo to update status on all assigned tasks.