- Showcase - Concrete plans going forward
- Ashraf:
- Team leaders takes the lead in discussing the work done by the team
- Explains each ticket that was done and how it fits into the overall picture
- Briefly mention features that are not complete in a given sprint
- Summarize the QA and Test tasks that were completed
- For spike work, share the findings of the spike
- Sam: Not a fan of the team lead sharing everything
- Like having each team member share
- Just having team lead would be more like a presentation
- Sebastian: Mixed feelings
- This would help showcase go smoother
- Members get an opportunity to go into more detail
- Leads will have to spend time getting up to speed on each ticket and members will have to take the time to do so
- Team leaders takes the lead in discussing the work done by the team
- Wes
- Team lead provide introduction and overview
- Call on a couple team members to share in more detail
- Vary the team members at each showcase
- Clay
- Clay already tends to provide that overview
- Once they are done, rest of team tends to head out
- This is not likely to change during this release
- Only focused on the report work
- Team is not interested in presenting
- Continue with sprint review at the start
- Sam
- Timebox each team
- Team lead could prep a Jira report
- Sebastian
- Sprint review helps to know what is going on
- Be better about starting the call on time
- Conclusion
- Going forward, the meeting will start on-time, regardless of who is present
- It will start in the same fashion, with an overview of the previous sprint for each team by Wes
- Each team will get a strict 15 minutes to share
- Team leads - please help keep your team within that time
- Team leads can structure their 15 minutes in the way they think is best
- That being said, we do hope that team members are included
- Ashraf: