- no idea what this is aboutJira Legacy server JIRA (openlmis.atlassian.net) serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-1358
- not clear, are we removing validation that triggers after editing the inputs in this ticket? What exactly should be done?Jira Legacy server JIRA (openlmis.atlassian.net) serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-1348
- why is this necessary? in order to minimize the manifest?Jira Legacy server JIRA (openlmis.atlassian.net) serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-1341