Versions Compared


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  • Malawi - Batch Requisitions (and quick update on extension points)
  • Endpoint process
  • Doodle poll - how to paginate Ref Data

Discussion items

5mStartNick Reid (Deactivated)
30m Malawi
 Extension Point processJosh ZamorDoodle pollJosh Zamor


  • Average Consumptions Extention point
    • Requirements and use case isn't completley understood yet
    • Will come back after immediate deadlines are met
    • This will be an extention point, or use another method to calculate
    • Confluence page will be updated, when we return to this issue

Aggregate Requisitions

  • RAML model has been delivered and approved by technical committee
  • Main reason is to have a performant API in high-latency settings
  • Point of contention is if the endpoint returns 400 or 200 when there is one requisition that errors
  • Need to add contract tests for these endpoints
  • Outcome: Discussion going to dev-forum, any changes
  • UI changes are large, unsure if we want to merge into OpenLMIS-Requisition-UI
    • See MW-84 for proposed UI changes
20mExtension Point process
  • Goal: Need to be comfortable with proposed process AND have it publicly documented
  • Focusing on extension points, which hopefully will extend to extra data process later
  • See process details below
  • Presumptions:
    • There are active maintainers to manage PRs
  • Next Steps: Josh Zamor will formalize this write up and share in next tech committee meeting
5mDoodle poll
  • Question: In reference data, how do we want to handle adding pagination and extra data to resources in semantic versioning
  • Answer: One big fat release
  • Next Step: Josh Zamor will write a "stub" JIRA ticket



Extension Pt Process


Next step:  LOE exercise to determine if we can fit this much work into the next release - Reference Data would be under active development and all consumers of these search endpoints may also need to become active to adjust to these changes.

Action items

  •  Sebastian Brudziński send email to dev-forum about how to handle batch errors as 200 or 400 status code
  •  Josh Zamor write up extension point process
  •  Josh Zamor create "stub" ticket for referencedata pagination/extra data