- Follow up with Patrick on reviewing and participating in drafting use cases for the DHIS2 Implementer Guide
- Follow up with contacts in Guinea about the roadmap and OpenLMIS version 3 features
Day 1 - Thursday, March 23
Opening Remarks - Nicola Hobby
University of Oslo - National engagement in DHIS2 Projects - Knut Staring
Knut - provided a good background to the system, focus on integration with other systems, staying open. Referred to logistics systems as a system to integrate with and not do.
- integrating surveillance (between social media and health systems) across the region, not just nationally
- integrate case level data in some places and aggregate in others
- How to sustain systems on the ground - encourage partners to support personal growth through:
- Academies, mentoring, regional experts, academic scholarships
- Equally important to collaborate on human resources
- Interoperability Implementer Guide: Supported by UNICEF/GAVI
- Target group: Implementers, decision-makers
- Guidance on system choices
- Success stories
- Contributions to OpenHIE discussion
- Online living implementation guide - not yet developed, may live in a wiki - haven't yet decided on format CONTRIBUTIONS WANTED! How do we get involved with this? Follow up.
- Concepts of integration
- eg. OpenHIE
- Integration vs. interoperability
- Step-by-step
- Functional and disease specific topic pages
- Concepts of integration
- When asked on how to approach sharing data, Knut advises on first publishing meta data. Then slowly working towards sharing more and more data.
- Is there going to be one national database for HMIS data? Countries would like this but not NGOs.
- Interoperability is one way of approaching that - allows organizations to keep their autonomy while still encouraging collaboration.
- Question: Have you seen a leadership organization (ex. PEPFAR) having success in moving forward conversations on integration?
- One hurdle to changing national systems: Have printed many paper forms, spent $ on printing, distributing and training - to change that will take a few years.
- Digitizing and using tablets and mobile phones makes it technically feasible, but it goes back to what the organizations want to do.
- Have seen a few countries where key donors have managed to pull together MOH, WHO, and other key stakeholders (example, CHAI, malaria consortium) into a room and get them to collaborate. Slow process.
FHI360 Nigerian national DHIS2 implementation
Nigeria FHI360 Office (570 million dollar budget)
EAC - East African Community
ICAP Headquarter and Country Integration
Laura Lincks
Why they chose DHIS2
- Community support
- Open source
- enhanced visualizations
- APIs
- Simplified organization of data elements
DHIS2 Informs Management of Results-Based Financing in Tanzania
Broad Branch Academy
Jenna Wright
- Data quality still poor (incomplete, erroneous, manual entry)
- Ongoing data cleaning efforts. Unable to replicate payment invoices at a later date.
Breakout 1: Data integration technical - DHIS2
Configuration of systems are often not harmonized. Things which can differ :
National system | NGO system (ex. PEPFAR ID) |
DHIS2 - Identifier schemes. Can add multiple codes to an individual element
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Using DHIS2 as a Business Intelligence Platform for a Health Insurance Provider
NHIF - Kenya
Great presentation on the theory of BI and approach to doing the business anslysis
- more software packages, the harder to maintain (different versions, etc)
- hard to have two maintain to open source systems
- wants ETL within DHIS2
- Enhance batch processing
- Enhance import of data (overwrite, aggregate info, delete)
- Enhance indicators (filter on attributes, re-usability)
- Enable mast er data
- Enhance use of dimensions
Day 2 - Thursday, March 23
Tanzania MOH and partner integration
by Wilfred Senyoni from HISP TZ at Dar es Salaam
- End users found DHIS2 is easy to use and end up putting data into DHIS2 for dashboards. Sometimes facilities have their own instances and sometimes uses the national instance.
- Problems :
- High reporting rates with DHIS2
- District are committed to using HMIS but not really clear on how to use the data.
- Data quality is quite low (40%). Data wasn't matching the paper registry or summary.
- Limited data interpretation and planning (not using the data).
- webportal launched hmisportal.moh.go.tz to promote transparency and innovation (for partners to access data). Story was a partner for a specific program ended up getting the entire national system web portal up and publishing quarterly. He appreciated that the partner decided to support the national program from focusing on their own programmatic needs.
- Strengthening HIS is a continuous process
- Cultivate local capacity
- strengthen existing local infrastructure
- partners have a major role in routine information use
OpenLMIS Breakout Session
Good turnout for the session.
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