This page summarizes the discussions and requirements gathered thus far for this domain.
- For all stories, under I and II, reconcile user personas listed
- Link up stories with the exact source from archive
- Figure out what the "backside" of the card will be – if you have a screenshot from an existing system to print on the other side of the card, figure out which screen shot and send to Alice for printing.
- The following table will be represented as cards and printed out so folks can move things around.
Important to note:
- We've defined stock management as everything dealing with stock for my facility and store rooms only. Workflows related to stock at lower levels should be included in Re-Supply. This includes issuing to a lower level, checking stock levels at a lower level, etc.
- Recording wastage and capturing reasons for wastage are covered in this domain. Since wastage is captured first during physical inventory, it is reflected here. The wastage data recorded is also used for Forecasting & Estimation.
I - MVP for Domain
Enter Stock Data | |
ES1. | Record a physical stock count by product As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to record vaccines in my inventory via a process that mimics the physical stock count I perform so that my electronic inventory accurately reflects my physical inventory. Open Question:
version 3, SIIL |
ES2. | Record a stock adjustment As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to record adjustments (movements in/out) of vaccine stock at my facility so that I can keep my electronic stock card accurately reflects my physical inventory. Open Question:
version 3, SIIL |
ES3. | Record wastage quantities and reasons As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to record wastage (specifying a quantity, product, facility) and provide the reason for wastage (VVM in case of heat, shake test in case for freezing, broken vial, expired vial). *Related to KPI on Wastage |
ES4. | Record ad-hoc receipt/issue As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to record an ad-hoc receipt/issue to record vaccine movements that were not part of the routine re-supply process so that I can keep my electronic inventory accurate. version 3,SIIL |
ES5. | Manage lots (centrally) As a National Vaccine Warehouse Clerk, I want to record Lot Codes and Expiration Dates as new lots go into circulation so the Lot information is available for all users tracking stock. version 3 uses API |
ES6. | Record lots As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to include a lot code while recording stock quantities (during physical stock counts, adjustments, ad-hoc receipt/issues) so that I can keep track of any issues involving that lot. version 3 (see also Lot Management for Stock Management Service) |
ES7. | Initiate and submit a requisition As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to submit a requisition so that I can request an appropriate quantity of products. version 3, VIMS |
View Stock Data | |
VS1. | View stock on hand As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to view my total stock on hand for any product at my facility so that I can see my current stock levels and view detailed transactions. version 3, SIIL |
VS2. | View transactions for a product As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to view the electronic stock card with all transactions for a product at my facility so that I can see what transactions contributed to my current stock on hand for that product. version 3 |
VS3. | Print stock on hand summary As an Immunization Health Worker, I would like a printout summary report similar to a paper stock ledger so that I can present the necessary audit trail for my stock. version 3 |
VS4. | Print stock card As an Immunization Health Worker, I want to print out the electronic stock card so I can store the paper format copy and/or provide it to auditors who need to see a physical copy. SIIL |
View KPIs | |
KPI1. | Stocked according to plan - DISC KPI (quarterly – intermediate levels; annually – national, global) |
KPI2. | Full stock availability - DISC KPI |
KPI3. | Closed vial wastage - DISC KPI |
Open Questions:
- For the KPIs, identify the persona(s) viewing these and the frequency.
- Do the KPIs only apply at facilities using OpenLMIS to track their stock (record physical stock counts, adjustments, etc)?
Reports | |
R1. | Report of product availability per facility (as needed - DIVO, others) |
R2. | Stock ledger report |
Dependencies/Configuration | |
DC1. | Upload product list via CSV version 3 uses API |
DC2. | View product quantities in one unit only (need to choose doses or vials for all countries) Open Question:
DC3. | Upload reasons for adjustment via CSV version 3.1 uses API and admin screen |
*Note: Should Stock keeping Units (SKUs) should be the operating assumption to enable use of barcode scanners? If so, vials are the SKU and must be used. However, if doses are the unit for estimating needs (based on targets) then MVP needs to offer both SKU as well as a dose conversion based on doses per vial in order to convert doses need to SKUs to supplied. No OpenLMIS user should have to recalculate doses to vials with a calculator (or worse, by hand) —ChrisW.
II - Nice to Have Features
Related to Enter Stock Data | |
RE1. | Record VVM status with physical stock count Open Question:
RE2. | Facility within a facility Note: perhaps not as important for vaccine work — more important for medical commodities/HIV? |
RE3. | Record historical stock activities |
RE4. | Generate issue voucher As an Issuer of Stock, I would like the system to automatically generate Issue voucher number to my Issue voucher so that I can keep track of the issues I have made to my recipients (and so that they can receive based on an issue voucher instead of manually entering quantities). Related to Re-supply |
RE5. | Stock card shared across programs If the same product exists in multiple programs for a facility, there is only one electronic stock card for that product. based on VIMS add/edit #5 |
RE6. | Automatically add additional vaccine resources to requisitions As a RIVO/DIVO/Health Worker I want diluents (and potentially syringes and safety boxes) to be automatically added to my requisitions so that I can request all the supplies I will need to vaccinate. |
RE7. | Create Requisition Visualization VIMS reporting #15 |
RE8. | Mass Issue Screen |
old 1 |
Vidya Sampath please move old #1 and old #2 to the other domain |
old 2 |
Related to View Stock Data | |
RV1. | Visualization for multi-level issues A visual cue that aligns with those on to indicate all facilities in my hierarchy that are below re-order or minimum stock. Same as RE5? |
RV2. | Stock status report for all levels below me in hierarchy As a NL/RIVO/DIVO I want to be able to view and export (as a pdf) a report of Stock on Hand for all Vaccines and Supplies at My facility and all facilities below me in the supply hierarchy with color-coded formatting for low stock levels. VIMS reporting #1 (screenshot) |
Alerts & Notifications | |
AN1. | Low stock notification As an Immunization Health Worker/Supervisor/DIVO, I want to get notifications for when my facility or a facility below me in the hierarchy has low stock of a product, so I can take action to ensure consistent supply of the vaccine at the facility. Open Questions:
*Related to KPI on Stock Availability, so may want to prioritize |
AN2. | Stockout notification As an Immunization Health Worker/Supervisor/DIVO, I want to get notifications for when my facility or a facility below me in the hierarchy is stocked out of a product, so I can take action to ensure consistent supply of the vaccine at the facility. Open Questions:
*Related to KPI on Stock Availability, so may want to prioritize |
AN3. | Ad-hoc notification As an Immunization Health Worker/Supervisor/DIVO, I want to get notifications for each ad-hoc receipt and issue at my facility or facilities below me in the hierarchy so that I am aware when products' stock change. |
AN4. | Recall and return notification As an Immunization Health Worker/Supervisor/DIVO, I want to get notifications for each recall and return at my facility or facilities below me in the hierarchy so that I am aware when products' stock is recalled or returned. Open Questions:
AN5. | Dashboard to act on low stock As a DIVO I want a dashboard that shows me all notifications I need to review and act on...based on months of stock per facility... VIMS reporting #8 |
AN6. | Notifications of vaccine problems Notifications of any stock Expired; or in VVM status 3 or 4; or iif any additional supplies (diluents) are required but available in insufficient quantities for an antigen being issued. VIMS reporting #11 |
AN7. | Notification to fill (outstanding) requisition order VIMS reporting #14 |
Note: This page has ~2 more ideas for suggested notifications.
Configuration and Administration | |
CA1. | Configure product inventory list (advanced) As a Program Supervisor/Central Logistics Personnel, I want to update my country's product inventory list so that it will accurately reflect the name, dosage, and manufacturer information for all the products being used within the EPI program. Open Questions:
version 3 uses API (see DC1. in MVP) |
CA2. | Advanced/de-centralized lot management As a ________, I want to add new Lots and expiration dates, even if a central authority has not entered the Lot data into the system. |
CA3. | Set a schedule to force/prompt users for a physical stock count Open Question:
CA4. | Configure fields on the electronic stock card Advanced options could include turning fields on/off by program, changing which fields are required, changing field order. SIIL |
CA5. | Kits, Diluents, Syringes, Safety boxes Open Question:
VIMS config some |
CA6. | Program/product configuration for facility-specific variables As a store room manager I want to be able to customize the wastage rate, min, max, population, and re-order levels (in doses) for all products at my facility, by program, so that these benchmarks are accurate and better inform me of my stock levels. Connects to Re-supply |
More Reports | |
MR1. | Min/max stock report As a DIVO/Program Supervisor/Central Logistics Personnel, I want to get a report which show min/max level of a facility and current stock on hand. Acceptance Criteria
MR2. | View SOH summary As a DIVO, I want to be able to see stock on hand summaries for a specific geographical region/zone so that I can get an overview of total stock available and plan any needed stock movements amongst facilities in that area. SIIL/SELV #9 |
MR3. | Stock status report for all levels below me in hierarchy As a NL/RIVO/DIVO I want to be able to view and export (as a pdf) a report of Stock on Hand for all Vaccines and Supplies at My facility and all facilities below me in the supply hierarchy with color-coded formatting for low stock levels. Same as RV2. |
MR4. | Print issue voucher VIMS reporting #3 (screenshot) |
MR5. | Requisition and Receipt Variance Report VIMS reporting #11 |
Note: VIMS reporting page has some other reporting ideas, though they have some overlap.
Barcodes | |
B1. | Product barcodes As a Immunization Health Worker, I want to use a barcode reader to select products when recording stock information (including during physical stock count, adjustments, receipt/issue) so that I can work quickly and accurately. Open Question:
B2. | Stock location barcodes As a Immunization Health Worker, I want to use a barcode reader to select product locations when recording stock information (including during physical stock count, adjustments, receipt/issue) so that I can work quickly and accurately and ensure proper placement in my shelf using the FEFO principle. Open Question:
B3. | Issuing using barcode As a Intermediate Level Vaccine Warehouse/Store Manager, I want to be able to pick stock as per issue voucher by using barcode scanner. (Connects to Re-Supply domain) |
Note: The VLMIS page has more detailed workflows about barcoding. Also, previous versions of this very page had some sample acceptance criteria for barcoding that provided more insight into workflow.
III - What is the "ask" from small group?
At the end of Round 1, we want the group to report back to the plenary with X.
To get this, the small group will work on the following:
Reference how this is set up here:
Walk everyone through what is proposed – pause to make sure they get it and then do voting.
At the end of Round 2, we want the Facilitator to report back to the plenary with Y.
To get this, the small groups (on rotation, global cafe style), will on work on the following:
IV - Notes to Facilitator
- We will have the generalizable country profiles – review with the group often to see if for both countries needs, the MVP is applicable.
- Always ask about which unit of data capture and data view – doses or vials
- Remind resource constraints and time constraints (software needs to be released by November!) when needed
- Remind folks that simplicity is a beautiful thing! Getting folks to think of end user and the need to not overwhelm them with several features but the minimum necessary to do their job well is key.
V - Archive
The following requirements pages informed the work under this domain:
Child pages (Children Display) |
This is the boardthing link to an internal discussion on this domain: