(In order Left to Right, starting with the back row. Josh Zamor, Guarav Bhattacharya, Satish Choudry, Matthew Kumboyo, Sierra Petrosky, Christine Lenihan, Ashraf Islam, Sebastian Brudzinski, Wes Brown, Momad Megji, Akinsola Fadeyi, Carl Fourie, Brandon Bowersox Johnson, Kelly Hamblin, Rebecca Alban, Dercio Duvane. Not pictured: Emily Bancroft, Edward Wilson, Lindabeth Doby)
Overview of Learning Sessions and materials
| Learning Session / presenter | Session Objective/s | Resource Materials |
Day 2 | Lessons Learned from the OpenLMIS Implementation in Angola (SIGLOFA) Presenter: Dercio Duvane | Share implementation milestones from Angola; as well as highlight challenges and insights from the ground | View file |
name | Lessons_Learned_Angola Implementation_Dercio D_Nov 2019.pptx |
height | 150 |
View file |
name | SIGLOFA - Release 1 - Key Findings & Lessons Learned - final.docx |
height | 150 |
| - Angola is first implementation to implement stock management module and super set reports; also use Point of Delivery function
- Implementation process guided and governed by a multi-stakeholder TWG
- Contributed many UI and security improvements to the core
- In addition to planned users, they also trained students at the health schools to promote sustainability of the system
- Challenge: many users have no basic computer skills and needed to fill that gap (teach them basic computer skills, turn on computer, etc.)
- 2020 will focus on finishing national expansion; site and system evaluations; and maybe get SIGLOFA on a tablet
- Key Lessons learned from their process to date are documented here; SIGLOFA - Release 1 - Key Findings & Lessons Learned - final.docx. Slide presentation is available here: Lessons_Learned_Angola Implementation_Dercio D_Nov 2019.pptx
Day 3 | Key Considerations for supporting an OpenLMIS Implementation Presenter: Matthew Kumboyo | Share perspective from Malawi implementation v3 and overview of post-deployment tech support | View file |
name | Supporting OpenLMIS Implementation_Matt K_Nov 2019.ppt |
height | 150 |
| |
Day 3 | Product Catalog Management Tool (PCMT) Presenters: Brandon Bowersox Johnson & Josh Zamor | Provide an overview of a new open source tool (PCMT); and highlight how it | | - PCMT is a re-usable open source software product that allows organizations to publish and manage product catalogs and interoperates with other systems used in LMIC countries using global standards including GS1.
- The system facilitates product information management, master data management and interoperability.
- A Product Registry is a key registry in an OpenHIE ecosystem
- Purpose: Provide a consistent list of products (medicines, vaccines, & commodities). This is critical for all systems to interoperate and share data
- Version 1.0 to be developed in Dec 2019; version 2.0 in April 2020. Partners include: VillageReach, USAID, FP Global VAN, BMGF