The data edit tool is a Microsoft Access application that allows an administrator to directly edit distribution information.
It connects to the associated production instance as root, so it provides nearly unrestricted to the instance and is therefore very insecure and dangerous.
The main steps to configure the data edit tool for a specific PC are:
- Download and configure PuTTY (provides SSL connection to AWS instance.
- Create ODBC connection to postgres
- Install the data edit tool and run it using Access.
Configure Putty
Download PuTTY from
Run PuTTY and configure per below. Notice that the highlighted category is a very light grey.
Configure Session
The username for dedicated AWS instances is root and it is ec2-user for instances running on docker.
Examples: or
All the remaining editing is in the the connection category.
Configure SSH Category
Note that all the options below are defaults. I'm including it in here in case they change.
Configure Auth Category
Here you most specify where the key file is used for security:
Configure Tunnels Category