What Went Well
Key Themes
We go it done!
Launch was super smooth
Everyone contributed their strengths
Began MoH Engagement
- We got it done – team enthusiasm and conviction to get it done!
- Team welcomed new people onto the project, used their strengths
- Daily stand-up
- People enthusiastically joined in and contributed their capabilities to getting the work done
- MoH engagement in training and roll-out
- Trainings – lots of support from Seattle, ron, josh, rachel
- Field coordinators have mostly positive feedback
- Pilot of tablets is going well
- People helped answer questions and get me up to speed
- Good communication between HSG, ISG, MOZ
- Translator resource was great
- Go live went very smoothly
- Project management, structure, and coordination was successful - good model for VR
- Transition as an organization about how we see and think about the information system – from VillageReachMIS (vrMIS) to Mozambique MoH's SELV, from viewing the end user as VillageReach to viewing the end user as the field coordinator
- Tableau reporting solution – creative and worked!
- Launch went great!
- Under budget on second phase
- Attitude and approach from MOZ office - excellent engagement with MoH and on the ground support
What Didn't Go Well
Key Themes
Requirements process: Lack of structured process end-user representation. Missed opportunity to reinvent vrMIS
Mismatch between needs and budget
Difficulty getting to launch
- At project outset were told we had to replicate vrMIS exactly
- No documentation on vrMIS
- Budget constraints limited getting a solution that support field needs
- Need ISG to do a better job managing expectations to budget
- Delivered reporting solution didn't meet the original end-user needs that were identified (due to budget)
- Need a format for requirements
- Insufficient local end-user representation in requirements defintiion
- Overemphasis on software development in budget, underresourcing on the resourced necessary to implement the solution (documentation, training, testing, etc.)
- Integration testing was time consuming. Need more time in the plan next time for integration testing and UAT
- Manual reporting process needs to be improved
- No comprehensive list or tracking of all the reference data that was needed
- Getting to go live was painful
- Lack of understanding end user needs
- No input from actual users in requirements process. Instead VillageReach users were seen as a proxy.
- Saying that we should just migrate vrMIS to a new platform was a mistake – missed opportunity to think about what could be
- Challenges understanding and managing expectations about staff time, particularly field staff time
- Roles – some overlap and duplication. Need to streamline the HSG point of contact on decision making.
Project Timeline
May 2013 – Project start, requirements gathering with Leah & Timoteo
September 2013
- Planned to Deploy in January
- Sarah started
- No Resource to build reports, mobile extensions, vrMIS data migration
- No solution for mobile extensions
- SW development on-hold due to other OpenLMIS work
- Discussion about requirements for specific features, for example
- SW Development Really started
- Josh was hired/started in December
- Josh began work on vrMIS data migration
- Schedule reset – plan for April launch
- In full-gear
- Mobile solution
- Reference data
- Started Daily Stand-ups
- Vidya began participating in the team
- Mike – building reports
- Translations
- TW Swd Complete
- Tableau report development
- Integration Testing
- Rachel started
- Lots of issues identified
- Meetings with ThoughtWorks about code management, merges
- Timoteo was leaving, decision not to launch in april
- Budget/Schedule Reset, estimated 40-80k to finish the project.
- Tatenda Started
- Planned a technical assessment trip to reduce launch risk
- User documentation
- Technical assessment trip
- SELV Live! No problems at launch
- Vidya to Maputo
- Maputo Training
- Mike on leave
- CDG Training
- Report Distribution