Users are expected to email attached copies of the below files to
Additionally, a file like the one below is expected to convey the information presented in the HSS Funds tab:
Details about HSS Funds include that:
- The email subject should be formatted like: "YYYY-MM-Monthly-Report" where YYYY is the year and MM is the month
- The title of the attachment should be "esistafe" (no quotes)
- The attachment should be .xlsx, .csv, or .xls
- The attachment should contain 5 columns that contain the following data (in order from left to right):
- facility
- updated_charge
- execution
- balances
- execution_perc
- The backend is not hard coded to expect a specific number of facilities (rows)
- The backend does not calculate the "total value" row
(More detail will be added later)
Tech Notes
The email sent to users upon an erroneous data submission is defined within this PutEmail processor:
On the other hand, the email sent upon a successful submission is defined in this PutEmail processor: