A few issues have been noted when trying to perform a SELV upgrade:
- Tablet’s MAY need the user to manually clear the cache. This behavior has been sporadic. Another solution MAY be simply closing the browser (restart tablet for good measure) and trying again. The tablet did display the “Downloading Application Cache” modal dialog and seemed to work, but failed when it was brought off-line. Users can clear the cache by going to the settings, privacy, clear history and clearing everything.
- Mac and PC should refresh their browser when they get to the Manage Distributions screen, and the user should see the modal dialog box with a successfully application cache download message. PC’s sometimes don’t report the cache being updated, but seem to update anyways. The test for this should be to initiate a distribution that has never been initiated before, goto Record Data for a facility, click on EPI Inventory and see if BCG Diluent is present. If it is the cache should be working, though an off-line test was not performed.
- If a user upgrades and has a distribution cached from the previous version, if they then try to enter data for any facility and go to sync it, it will not come back with an error but will come back and say the facility is already synced (or rather not say much of anything but the color code indicates this). We should ensure that everyone syncs and deletes their cached distribution before the upgrade and then re-initiates after the upgrade is made.
Regardless of these issues, the upgrade procedure in regards to distributions and timing is:
- Users are using current SELV version and going on distributions with offline cache
- Before the upgrade occurs, users must sync all their cached distributions and delete them from the computer/tablet
- The upgrade occurs
- Users go back and either have to manually clear their browser cache or they see the dialog automatically when they refresh the manage distributions screen (tablet users must clear cache manually)
- Users re-initiate/initiate any distributions they still need to enter data for (note: if a distribution is re-initiated diluents will not display)
- Users fill in data and sync.