Target release3.3
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The process changes below support the 4 Re-supply types: (see Re-Supply).

Transport: Pick-upDelivery


1. Requisition pick-up

3. Requisition delivery

2. Allocation pick-up

4. Allocation delivery


Proposed work to be prioritized

These are not in priority or implementation order.

  1. Configure authorize step in requisition workflow (MVP)
  2. Automatically create an order after requisition is approved (MVP - Priority 3)
  3. Use ISA in Requisition product grid to calculate order quantities to resupply (MVP - Priority 1) 
    1. Current state: Configurable ISA values are stored in OpenLMIS, but they are not visible or used anywhere in the Requisition process.
    2. Proposal: Add ISA column as a configurable, optional column that can be added to any requisition template. If enabled, the column shows the read-only value of the ISA for each line item where an ISA is set in OpenLMIS.

      This is set once at initiation of the requisition and becomes part of the snapshot (it does not change if the admin configures a different ISA after that requisition was initiated.)
      (TBD: How is the ISA used for calculations, EG Calculated Order Quantity and/or the default Requested Quantity value or any other calculations? Let's add to this story or split off calculations as a new story. If no ISA is set for some product/period/facility, do we show blank or calculate zero?)
      (Note: ISAs are tied to Periods, Facilities, and Commodity Types. It appears that ISAs are not tied to a program, so if the same product is on the Requisition form for two different programs, it appears there is no way to set two different ISAs. It's also not clear if ISAs can be used with Orderables that are not Commodity Types (EG in Malawi implementation). See OLMIS-396.)

  4. Requisition product grid fields are pre-populated from stock cards (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
  5. Requisition product grid (pre-populated) fields are read-only (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
  6. Select Orderables to add to Requisition product grid (not part of MVP, in Gap analysis)
  7. Orderables auto-populate in Requisition product grid from Physical Inventory (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
  8. Creating more than one regular requisition in a period (Not needed, this is an Order concept)
  9. Capture requisition if receiving facility does not have OpenLMIS (MVP - This is wrong, we need to have a requirement and proposal for creating an order)
  10. TBD: Support for Receiving facilities not using OpenLMIS
  11.  Add support for multiple requisition templates within one Program (MVP - Priority 4)
  12. Notification/indication of low stock (Not needed as part of MVP)

  13. Prompt to initiate requisition after Physical Inventory (Not needed to support MVP)
  14. Configuration option for Rejected Requisitions to be a 'final status' (Not part of MVP and not needed)
  15.  Proof of Delivery updates receiving facility stock cards (MVP)
  16.  Pick-up versus Delivery (MVP)

  17.  Support re-supply for receiving facilities with "no stocking data in OpenLMIS" (Duplicate of 10)

Note: Some of the other epics in Re-supply also contain stories and tickets where work is underway: /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/88670474 and /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/135823499. Some of the ideas above have tickets in Vaccine Stock Based Requisitions, however this page presents the features in a more granular way and does not use the "stock-based requisition" terminology. Proposals on this page may replace what is on the Vaccine Stock Based Requisitions page.

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Short identifier for the storyDescribe the user and what they are trying to achieve

As a ______ I want/need to ________ so that I _______.

- High level acceptance criteria

Relevant labels to distinguish source. From which system, or which country? Must Have, Nice to Have
  • Additional considerations or noteworthy references (links, issues)


Include any business process mapping, mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements. Describes the tasks and the personas who perform those activities. The diagram provides the context for the user stories and serves as a focal point for achieving clarity and agreement among stakeholders. Looks like a standard flow chart.


Identify initial dependencies that are on the critical path for this functionality and may affect the delivery time and serving of business goals. Include links to stories.

Name of story or release Link to JIRA

Open Questions

Initial communication between stakeholders and the development team to help understand scope and estimates.

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached Open, In Progress, Closed, and date of closure

Out of Scope