[VIMS] Target Population : add/edit/delete/search/validate FORECAST & ESTIMATION

Target release
EpicTarget Population
Document status
Document owner
Technical LeadAshraf Islam


population figures would be used for forecasting and coverage calculations. Managing population estimates is governed by following roles.

Demographics - Manage District Estimates - allo RIVO to enter district estimates
Demographics - Manage Facility Estimates - allows DIVO to enter facility estimates
Demographics - Finalize Estimates - allow to lock estimates for editing
Demographics - Unlock Finalized Estimates - enable editing in case editing was locked by mistake or any reason

District and Facilites can be entered and saved any time, however finalizing facility estimates require  a) district estimates are already entered b) facility estimates in a district aggregatge to district estimate



  • User with appropriate role and permission are aleady created.

  • The following are created and assigned designated uers

User Stories

TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1District level demographic estimates

As A RIVO/National, I would like to be able to upload/update the population data for my districts so that the system better tracks coverage targets based upon official national bureau of statistics data.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I am only able to upload data for my supervised districts.

  2. By default, the list of demographic estimates should fetch an aggregated figure from facilities belonging to the district.

  3. As National user or designated user with "Finalize Estamtes" permission I should be able to finalize the estimates so it can not be edited.

  4. As National user or designated user with "Unlock Finalize Estimates", I should be able unlock district estimates for editing

VIMSMust Have

Note: Note Finalize button just prevents editing the estimates by user with data entry role. "Unlock For Editing" needs a special permission to unlock for editing

2Facility level demographic estimates

As A DIVO, I would like to be able to upload/update the population data for my district health facilities so that the system better tracks coverage targets based upon official national bureau of statistics data.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I am only able to upload data for my supervised facilities.

  2. Aggregate from facilities equal to district estimate

  3. When a user is entering editing demographic estimates and clicks save, the form should validate if valid entries are entered, and fields are not left blank. Example, Negative values for any of the demographic estimates columns should not be allowed.

  4. After the process of estimation has been finalized, users, should not be able to edit facility demographic estimates. create a mechanism to disable editing of facility demographic estimates.

VIMSMust Have

Finalize Estimates (facility) action is carried by a user with "Finalize" role. Once finalized, users can not edit estimates. However, a user with "Unlcok" role can enable editing in case the estimates were finalized by mistake or any other reason

3Validate EstimatesWhen a user is entering editing demographic estimates and clicks save, the form should validate if valid entries are entered, and fields are not left blank. Example, Negative values for any of the demographic estimates columns should not be allowed.VIMSMust Have

see image in story#2.

District and Facility estimates can be entered and saved in any order. However, finalizing facilities estimates required that district estimates are already entered otherwise facility estimates can be finalized.



Availability of internet

A user needs to have manage demographic parameters right for a certain supervisory node.


Open Questions

  1. The current version of VIMS does not keep audit record (before/after changes) of who changed a catchment population after locked down. It only capture the last modification date/user
  2. if a facility is never configured to report on vaccine program, is it expected to have demographic estimates anyways?
  3. What happens when a facility targets the same population group as facilities in lower levels?  Example - A district hospital, does it target population of the same district as health centers?
  4. Do we add figures from all facility types, to make up the district estimates? or some facility types are ignored?

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Out of Scope

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