OpenLMIS Wiki: Home

OpenLMIS - Open Source Software for Managing Health Commodity Supply Chains
Welcome to the home of OpenLMIS!

OpenLMIS is open source, web-based, electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) software purpose-built to manage health commodity supply chains

The OpenLMIS initiative incorporates a community-focused approach to develop open source and customizable LMIS systems specifically designed for low-resource settings.

OpenLMIS is currently deployed in Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zanzibar where it manages logistics processes for over 11,000 health facilities.

To learn more about OpenLMIS, visit or write to

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What is an OpenLMIS Trusted Partner?

OpenLMIS Trusted Partners: are globally recognized public health and technology companies vetted by the community to implement OpenLMIS software in new implementation countries. 

Meet the OpenLMIS Trusted Partners

OpenLMIS Community Partners

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Contact our Stewards for Support

OpenLMIS Stewards are a dedicated team to coordinate and manage the OpenLMIS software and community

For basic access to the Wiki and associated JIRA projects, click the Sign Up link at the upper right corner of the page. For full write access, contact Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) after you've completed sign up, and please mention your user name.

All technical questions and topics should be directed to the OpenLMIS Tech forum. All other topics should be directed to the Product Committee forum. OpenLMIS bugs and issues are tracked in JIRA.

Please direct any other questions to

The OpenLMIS Core Steward Team

Rebecca Alban
OpenLMIS Community Manager 

Brian Taliesin
OpenLMIS Director
email coming shortly..

Josh Zamor
OpenLMIS Architect

Chongsun Ahn

OpenLMIS Software Development Engineer

Wes Brown

OpenLMIS Technical Product Manager

Space contributors

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software