2017-08-04 Meeting notes - loe and estimation of report and Tableau WDC

2017-08-04 Meeting notes - loe and estimation of report and Tableau WDC




  • LOE (pts and time) for reporting service and tabelau wdc

Discussion items


Reporting Service

  • pulling hard-coded reports and data-access (Java) out of the Service
    • need to estimate each report that needs to be pulled out, and redesigned to be SQL-based to get that report
    • Requisition Report has a dynamic list of columns which are sorted based on the Requisition Template (github). it's most likely not possible to accomplish with Jasper alone.
    • ~2 weeks excluding requisition report
  • tool to take a directory, and load those jrxml reports to API endpoint
    • 1-2 days design
    • estimate for work:  unsure
    • would support Java services
    • supporting images
      • currently a restful resource
      • could be embedded in jrxml?
  • do we need to selectively update when a report changes ???

We determined that we need dedicated time to go into detail about each report the service will need to migrate and what features the tool will support (e.g. Malawi recently added the need for images) to estimate what's left so that we come up with a solution that works for Malawi and that's contributed back

Tableau WDC

  1. MW-484 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. configure the base-uri
    2. 1-2 days, 3pt
  2. MW-471 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. auth service
    2. UI
    3. ~ 1 wk, 8pts
  3. incremental refresh (updating our api endpoints so that the connector knows what's new and what's not - speeds up Tableau data source - likely critical for production)
    1. pattern / design work
    2. reference:  https://tableau.github.io/webdataconnector/docs/wdc_incremental_refresh
    3.  lastModified date
    4. no estimate needed - 1 day for Javers?
  4. more tables
    1. MW-485 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. need to use GET /api/requisitions - as search endpoint doesn't return line items any more
      2. need to add some date range parameters to this endpoint such as search has (since we will be using GET /api/requisitions and incremental refresh, we won't have these date parameters, is that right Josh Zamor?)
      3. incremental refresh (supporting lastModified as query parameter)
      4. 2-4 days, 5pt
    2. MW-486 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
      1. need to use /orders - as search endpoint doesn't return line items any more
      2. need to add some date range parameters to this endpoint such as search has
      3. incremental refresh
      4. 2-4 days, 5pt
    3. MW-487 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
      1. need to add some date range parameters to this endpoint
      2. incremental refresh
      3. 2-4 days, 5pts
    4. MW-489 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. incremental refresh
      2. 1-2 days, 3pts
    5. MW-490 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. incremental refresh
      2. 1-2 days, 3pts
    6. MW-491 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. incremental refresh
      2. 1-2 days, 3pts
    7. MW-492 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. incremental refresh
      2. 1-2 days, 3pts
    8. MW-493 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. incremental refresh
      2. 1-2 days, 3pts

WDC Total: 18-30 days, 44pts

Action items