16-04-2019 Google ML - Licensing Discussion


Lisa Mac (Council for Google)


Michael Downey

Josh Zamor

Craig Usswald (Deactivated)

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Wesley Brown


  • Sandhya updated Lisa
  • Lisa: Next Steps
    • Not able to discuss much due to availability
    • Who owns the data and what kind of licensing to they usually use
    • Brandon:
      • MoH would have a data use/data sharing agreements with NGO's who work with data/manage systems
  • Sandhya: What next steps
    • Lisa: Need to identify which datasets would be targeted, review any agreements already in place
    • Potential Outcomes:
      • Demand forecasting
      • Lead Time Optimization
    • Data set
      • Not sure what data our software captures so unsure of exactly what is needed
  • Next Steps
    1. Reviewing our existing agreements to see if we can get started with that
    2. Structure of the data (demo data/ERD)
    3. System Walkthrough/Discussion

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