Host style guide from Jenkins, not GitHub Pages
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Brandon Bowersox-Johnson September 28, 2016 at 3:53 PM
@Josh Zamor This is the first ticket I've created. Please review the description, ticket type, priority and assignee (unassigned for now) and tell me if we should handle things like this any differently.
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Nick Reid
Nick Reid(Deactivated)Reporter
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
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Open Time Assistant
Created September 28, 2016 at 3:52 PM
Updated November 11, 2016 at 1:36 AM
Resolved November 11, 2016 at 1:36 AM
New Plan: The Style Guide will be built on Jenkins and that's where we will point people to—ReadTheDocs will just have a link to the latest build artifact style guide. We should also remove the current i-frame from the ReadTheDocs page that is i-frame-ing the Style Guide in.
This is a follow-up to OLMIS-673.
Currently, Jenkins is using Klaudia's github credentials to publish the style guide to GitHub Pages. The VillageReach team needs to discuss use of GitHub Pages as a hosting provider for the style guide. Do we want to host our style guide on GitHub Pages? If we are OK with GitHub Pages, we need to get Jenkins to use an appropriate set of credentials. OR if we have a different location to host these style guide files, we need to establish that and have Jenkins publish there instead.
The Dev email list did have a discussion about using GitHub Pages to publish the style guide:!topic/openlmis-dev/vmrp2wSsWPs (thanks to Sebastian for pointing that out!).
This ticket is for selecting what hosting provider we want, and deciding what credentials should be in Jenkins. It's fine to create a separate ticket when we have a full set of decisions and we are ready to assign SolDevelo to actually implement the solution [or it's fine to edit this ticket to include implementation].