Submit adjustment event


This story is split out from

As a storeroom manager
I want to submit an adjustment event
so that I update corresponding stock cards within the new adjustment event

Scope in:
One adjustment request for multiple orderables' stock line item;
Submission response: either successful or failed;
Pagination for the preview page, 20 items per page;
Required fields validation
Pop-up confirmation modal

Scope out:
new adjustment page;
save draft adjustment;

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page within all required fields are filled in when I click 'submit' button then it will pop up a confirmation modal saying "Do you, <username>, wish to confirm the N adjustments?"

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page and the quantity field is blank when I click that field and then click other area then that field is highlight and a '!' icon next to it says "You must input positive number"

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page and all required fields are filled when I click the submit button but some fields' SOH becomes negative then I will stay the new adjustment page and the products in the table are reorganized followed by below rules:
    Different products are displayed by the order of their product code asc;
    Different stock line items belong to the same trade item are displayed by the occurred date desc;
    Different stock line items for the same trade item within the same occurred date then it would be displayed by the added timestamp desc;

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page within negative SOH line items then the field caused the negative SOH is highlight and a '!' icon next o it when I click the icon then there would be a pop-up says "Stock on hand can not be negative".

  • Given I am on the pop-up modal when I click 'Cancel' button then it will direct me back to the new adjustment page within the information I input;

  • Given I am on the pop-up modal when I click 'Confirm' button and the submission is successful then there will be a submission successful message pop up on the right top page and I will be direct to the SOH summary page filter by the facility and program I chose for this adjustment event;

  • Given I am on the pop-up modal when I click 'Confirm' button but the submission has failed (any stock line item failed to pass the validation) then there will be a submit failed message showing on the right top page and I stay the new adjustment page, refer to mockup version 5-3

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page when I click different page numbers then it will direct me to different page content;

  • Orderables on the new adjustment page followed by the added order. Meaning, the newly added orderable will be on the top while the oldest will be at the bottom of the table.

  • Given I am on the new adjustment page when I click the 'Make adjustment' on the crumb then there will pop up a window asking me whether I want to quit this page.

  • Given I am on the pop-up window when I click 'Quit' then I will leave adjustment page without saving.

  • Given I am on the pop-up window when I click 'Cancel' then the window disappear and I stay at the adjustment page.


  • 05 May 2017, 09:15 PM
  • 05 May 2017, 06:03 PM
  • 05 May 2017, 06:01 PM
  • 21 Apr 2017, 10:01 AM
  • 19 Apr 2017, 07:17 AM
  • 19 Apr 2017, 06:58 AM
  • 12 Apr 2017, 07:02 AM

QAlity Plus - Test Management




Brandon Bowersox-Johnson May 15, 2017 at 10:03 PM

Okay, based on what you say, then I believe we approve this last piece (regarding AC #3) and we can move with ticket to Done. FYI to

Mary Jo Kochendorfer May 15, 2017 at 10:01 PM

, this is a tricky situation.

For now, I think we can proceed. I agree that it is a bit confusing since any three of the lineItems/trasactions associated with each product could be wrong but the system just highlights the one transaction which makes the SOH go negative. I do like that the transactions stay grouped with the product versus filtering all the way to the top (right now it the reorder keeps the transactions related to the same product together).

I do think we need to discuss further to make sure what we are doing isn't too confusing...

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson May 15, 2017 at 9:48 PM

I'd like your help assessing Wei's last comment and the last demo video with audio he added. It is all in regards to AC #3 and the order of the rows when there is an error that would make SOH negative.

It seems like the new changes in the video show that when there is an error it goes to the top and does not sort in a way that matches AC #3. But I'm not 100% sure if I understand this trade-off and understand why we chose to change this and who asked for it.

For me, I see that putting the error rows at the top will help users – so users can find the error even if it is on a later page. However, I also think it will be confusing at the top because users need to see the sequence of additions and subtractions on one product in time sequence so they can spot where the real problem is. EG, the problem might be in another row where they entered the wrong Received quantity.

So I'd like your assessment of this and for you and the team in Seattle to make a final decision either way.

Wei Zhang May 15, 2017 at 2:40 AM

The last video is not about change, it is about the experience of using.

The video is showing that when a user tries to do the adjustment in batch, and there is some error input result in that make SOH be negative, then the negative item would be displayed on the top of the table.(By the three rules of the AC #3)
So, what we want to show in the video is that if exist some error, when the user tries to modify the data correctly, the form reorganization becomes very frequent. We want to confirm with you if this way is ok.

Attachment is another demo video with audio:

Please let us know if still have some concern.

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson May 12, 2017 at 7:06 PM

The last video you posted does not seem to have audio (I cannot hear anything). I do not understand the latest changes (you mentioned it has to do with AC #3 regarding the order of rows). Please either check the audio to see if you can share the video with audio—or feel free to instead describe the last change.


OVERALL, I must say that the Adjustment UI is looking good to me. The first 3 videos all make sense; all of the feedback on the wiki ( was discussed at the analysis call and seems to be addressed. So I believe this ticket is close to Done, but I just want to make sure we understand the final changes.

Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.





Story Points


Fix versions


Time Assistant

Created March 28, 2017 at 7:27 AM
Updated May 17, 2017 at 2:03 AM
Resolved May 17, 2017 at 2:03 AM