Add lots and facilities SOH to View Order Details page


As a DIVO, I want to see the stock information (including lot numbers, VVM status, expiration date) for all trade items relevant to the orderables so that I can accurately set fill quantities and lots for fulfilling the order.

This ticket deals with adding additional product info (new rows for lots) to the line item table for the View Order Details page. This is important in order to be able to see SOH for the facility conducting the local fulfillment and setting fill quantities for the order.

  • If an orderable is associated with a commodity type or a trade item without lots, nothing needs to be changed.

  • If an orderable is associated with a trade item with lots, its associated lots should be shown below it.

This ticket also deals with adding a new columns. They are:

  • Lot code

  • VVM Status

  • Expiry Date

  • Available SOH (consults Stock Management Service to get this info)

This information should be retrievable similar to how the Stock on Hand page works, by getting the results of the /api/stockCardSummaries and /api/stockCardSummaries/noCards APIs, specifying the (requesting and supplying) facilities and the program.

Mock Up

Acceptance Criteria

  • The page shows new rows for any lots for each orderable

  • The page has three new columns in the line items table: Lot code, VVM Status, Expiry Date, Available SOH. Shows SOH values for each orderable w/o lots, and for each lot, with the associated orderable having a total SOH value which is the sum of all "lots" (including SOH of undefined lots)

    • If Stock Management Service doesn't return this info, shouldn't break the page, but the SOH info should just be blank

  • Update existing test case for View Orders details (if test case does not exist, create a new one and link to this ticket

QAlity Plus - Test Management




Mateusz Kwiatkowski January 8, 2018 at 5:48 PM

I think we still have a problem with this ticket, in order to view Shipment user needs a View Stock Card supervision right for warehouse. You suggested that OLMIS-3726 and OLMIS-3818 should fix this issue but I think the problem is that supervision rights are restricted to be assigned with Supervisory Nodes and its member facilities so there is no way to assign this right to user for Warehouse (Supplying Facility), not assigning Fulfillment rights to non-warehouses.

To be able to enter this screen for now I've added warehouses to requisition group members list. I believe that it is wrong and should be changed, right?

After a quick chat with I've realized that supervision roles can be assigned to home facility (which can be a warehouse) or warehouse can be a member of requisition group because it should be considered as normal facility.

Nikodem Graczewski January 5, 2018 at 9:32 AM


Nick Reid January 4, 2018 at 11:32 PM

I've moved the class-extender and abstract factory modules from ui-components to fulfillment-ui, so that we don't have to refactor that code ... yet ... as the need for those helper classes needs to be discussed.

I'm going to go through the open reviews in this ticket and am going to close the reviews, and make follow up tickets for anything that actually does need follow up.

Paweł Albecki January 3, 2018 at 2:15 PM

All issues above are resolved. I checked and available SOH is filled with Stock On Hand Quantity from stock card summaries for supplying facility.

Paweł Albecki January 3, 2018 at 11:15 AM

Enter Order View details page for Ntcheu was fixed.
I tried to test supplying facility available SOH functionality but following problem occurred:
By administrator user I tried to POST stockEvent (with positive adjustment for C100 orderable, which is line item for supplying facility Ntcheu) and Ntcheu District Warehouse.

The response was:

The same occurs for C200 orderable and for Balaka District Warehouse (both C1 and C2 orderables)
I believe demo data should be updated so user will be able to make adjustments for warehouses.

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Story Points

Original estimate

Time tracking

1w 4d 30m logged



Fix versions


Time Assistant

Created November 15, 2017 at 11:05 PM
Updated January 8, 2018 at 6:38 PM
Resolved January 3, 2018 at 2:15 PM