- Continuing to work through Casper epic tickets
- Josh - proof of concept is wrapping up (nice!), now we're reading for the next phase
- Need to figure out what that next phase would be and where the funding would come from
- Need to show the poc working with the reporting stack
- Alfred - Feedback from Ashraf/Elias to improve certain aspects of the workflow could be taken into account
Action Items
- Ian Manyama share NIDC space specification with Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
- Hussein Hassan will share NIDC space credentials with Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
- Ian Manyama and Hussein Hassan will start with initial setup
- Wesley Brown to create zoom meeting going forward
- Wesley Brown to check with Sierra about Capser funding for AWS instance and a trip (to or from TZ) for handoff
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) to let Wes know once the system is ready for an internal demo
- Wesley Brown Schedule meeting with Ashraf and Elias to show progress with field mappings, monitoring, and the reporting stack after internal demo