Service is able to find the extension module (jar, classes, etc)
Extension module isn't able to find the interface (when the module is loaded at run-time).
re-introduce the maven publishing and promoting with spring boot 2
extension needs to find the service's extension interface
Moving beyond the example service exemplar:
lets sunset the example service in favor of using a real service: stockmanagement
keep the example-extension and example-extensions - lets rename for stock mgmt
tech debt process?
We need a process:
Example service is the exemplar of the failure
EOL of Angular is still approaching
Prioritize at the beginning of every release
For build infra, we've added a small portion of Damian's time.
Could we replicate this and find another expert / focus person on a specific aspect (e.g. Angular)
Wes expressed concerns:
Perceived progress - that we wouldn't show any in a release
That if we improve something, that the handover partner might discard OpenLMIS entirely. Or they might keep it, and really ramp up their investment in tech debt.
Action Items
Josh Zamor check over release docs for maven publish and promote
Josh Zamor to add tech debt process piece to stewards call