- Description: What are the boundaries of OpenLMIS? What is the domain scope in which OpenLMIS will operate? What belongs in OpenLMIS and what doesn't?
Leads: Dykki, Kevin
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Rapporteur/Notetaker:Sandy Hawley
Notes from Session:
What IS part of OpenLMIS
- basic cold chain equipment support, but not beyond "It is working"
- suggestions for best practice processes in supply chain (core)
- better mobile support under the admin level
- costing data- cost of supplies by program
- different ways to install- configurable vs. specific
- stock management
- open source
- one (1) product or platform
- a common roof for programs (essential meds and vaccines)
What it is NOT part of OpenLMIS (doesn't mean we won't interface with this, it's just not our focus/core, or another system that does it better)
- medical records
- ERP system (warehouse data)
- procurement at national level (no budgeting and buying)
- asset management
- full stack analytics tool, full business intelligence tool
- bar coding, but support call for separate modules
- budgeting
- warehouse management
- distribution management/rout planning
- master product list
- master product list (NO)
- usable offline (YES)