588: Forgot Password

Test Case #: 588

Test Case Name: Forgot Password

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: Auth

Test case designed by: Anna Czyrko

Design Date:24.08.2016

Short description



  • The OPenLMIS login screen offers a Forgot Password link.
  • The link requests the email address of the User. If a matching user record is found, the systems marks the User record in a reset state, and sends an email to the user with a special reset link
  • the user clicks the link and enters a web form, accepting a new password from the user. After saved, the user must login with the new password to access OpenLMIS
  • the reset link is usable one time. Once clicked, it cannot be used again to reset a password.
  • the reset link expires after a configurable amount of time, defaulted to 12 hours.
  • if this is enabled via an API, the system-level authorization is required (so lower-authenticated users can't use the API to set other people's passwords!)


Pre – conditions:






Expected system response



In Postman enter:

in URL:  http://localhost:8080/api/users/forgotPassword?email=test@openlmis.org

Method: POST

In console should appears password reset token.


Change password.

In Postman enter:

In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/users/changePassword

Method: POST


{ "token": token from console, "newPassword": ... }


Check if the password is changed.

In Postman enter:

In URL: http://localhost:8080/oauth/token?grand_type=password&username=admin&password=passwordNew

Basic authorization: username and password

Method: POST



In Postman enter:

In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/users?access_token= <generated token>

Method: GET



Post – conditions:


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