App built using GoNative.io (licensed version) as a tentative to respond to users, partners, donor and government concerns on data collection and visibility.
- Integration with OneSignal and Firebase for instant messaging to tablets where the app is installed;
- The app links to the following online services:
- SELV and SELV embedded reporting: https://selv.villagereach.org
- EPI Dashboard: https://dashboard-pav.openlmis.org/superset/dashboard/11/
- SELV Monthly Reports (hosted on Tableau Public): https://public.tableau.com/profile/dercio.duvane#!/vizhome/selv/Overview?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&:showTabs=yes&:showVizHome=no
- The app links to a web/file server that host the following support files:
- SELV Manual
- EPI Service Manual
- Dashboard Manual (not yet developed)
- Data Analytics Manual (not yet developed)
- The app will also redirect users to a set of user support pages:
- IT: Contact information and possible messaging service to the IT team based in Maputo
- Possibly use tawk.to widgets as an instant messaging platform.
- Zambezia, Manica, Maputo: Contact information + pic? for each regional advisor
App download page: https://gonative.io/share/bkaeza
, multiple selections available,