SELV Technical Assessment Trip Schedule
SELV Technical Assessment Trip Schedule
1. Pre-Trip Activities
Prior to the technical assessment trip, the team will work on beginning knowledge transfer to Tatenda on vrMIS, SELV, Tableau, and related processes:
- Sarah & Josh to walk Tatenda through SELV (session #1 done)
- Vidya to walk Tatenda through vrMIS & Tableau (scheduled Wednesday 3-5pm)
- Follow-on session to be scheduled based on Tatenda’s availability
2. Technical Assessment Trip
Josh Zamor (VR) & Vinay Mor (ThoughtWorks)
Technical “pre-testing” of SELV prior to production launch
Monday May 5: Testing & UAT in VillageReach Office
- System testing: Mozambique Trip Testing Plan & Checklist
- SelvRubric.docx
Tuesday May 6th: Visit Matola Provincial Office
- Check SELV functioning on provincial PC
- Field Coordinator UAT
- Health Center Visit
- Test SELV on tablet
Wednesday May 7th: Visit Xai Xai Provincial Office
- Check SELV functioning on provincial PC
- Field Coordinator UAT
- Test SELV on tablet
Thursday & Friday, May 8th & 9th: Bug Fixes or Additional Testing in VR Office
- Bug fixes as necessary
- Remote testing with Cabo Delgado as possible
- Knowledge transfer with Tatenda (as time allows)
- Review training materials with Tatenda (as time allows)
- Letter – Sarah to follow up with Rene
- Arranging Health Center Visit
- Tatenda’s time near 100% during visit week – Ruth OKd this
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