Can we edit the quantity of the kit if the products in the kit are damaged?
This would most likely happen after the kit is unpacked, by adjusting the individual product
Contents of the kits:
Changes in kits over time, how do you approach this?
Some of the kits have products that exist in other programs
example: Malaria commodities
when kits are unpacked
Kits are very important to track and monitor
We won’t see anything unpacked this year, maybe next year so this is not a priority
The main feature we want is less about kits and unpacking but instead the content of the kits: virtual quantities of kits to understand the products available vs products in kits
Stock management reporting would need to show these details
Highest priority
Products in multiple programs:
Reproductive health, essential meds, HIV all track condoms
In the warehouse they’re stored together and there is one physical inventory item for condoms
How does the visibility of that stock get controlled through those programs?
What are the business rules or constraints in OpenLMIS?
How do we improve the system here if needed?
How does this impact reporting?
Can we test this to determine what works and what doesn’t?
A product can be assigned to multiple programs and have different definitions (full supply vs non-full supply) and different prices
Sebastian Brudziński can provide a list of where stock is combined vs by program
Second priority
Issue/Problem request
Creating a separate proxy form to enter issues or requests
Atlassian has the APIs to complete this and it would be specific work for the Angola team
Third priority
Product Aliases
Warehouse staff calls product by brand name or generic name or other name when searching for products
Sebastian: If there are issues with missing products or configuration, we should train users to enter issues with the service desk.
This could be a potential feature for core
How would this impact requisitions?
Track products not in the system for reporting
Malawi does this manually, its not part of OpenLMIS