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Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


  • 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
  • 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
  • 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)

Call Details


Join Zoom Meeting





Chat Captures

Introductions and Call opening (5 min)

  • Notes from July Governance call

July Notes


Review agenda for this call

Updated Product RoadmapWes

OpenLMIS product roadmap has been updated and is available at Living Product Roadmap

Solicit other 'wish list' ideas? (ie: if 3PLs could report into OpenLMIS to facilitate KPI reporting had been raised lately...) 

OpenLMIS COVID EditionGaurav-updateRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

New web page:

Present draft PHMF Tiered subscription modelfeedback on the subscription tier featuresInteroperability strategy? Partnership & other Workstreams Update


  • First round of training for central and regional warehouse users is complete, overall successful; Next round this week is for facility-based users. Anticipate a total of 50 users
  • Continued interest in OpenLMIS for other programs too *COVID Edition is a way to plant the OpenLMIS seed in countries and promote adoption
  • interoperability with DHIS2 is a priority
  • Carl: What is DHIS2 Tracker doing with Supply Chain? 
  • Gaurav: Have notes and a demo from a call we had with DHIS2; using Tracker to collect 1) SoH, 2) received 3) what is required. It doesn't necessarily meet all country needs; some concerns about product lists being mismatched with countries. Interoperability needs to involve a mapping of facilities
    • Need to define requirements for data elements to be represented in DHIS2
    • This is with Cameroon; involving the HISP West Africa group
  • Wes: We would rather there not be 2 platforms doing 2 slightly different things
  • Brian: We haven't gotten any time with the interoperability people at DHIS2; perhaps Carl can nudge


  • After political delays/change in leadership, have agreed to local deployment

Cautiously optimistic that DRC will be the next country to adopt this tool; have recently met with MoH; moving forward well

Wes: Next major piece will be for us to figure out local hosting; it will be running in a data center which is a significant change for us. We don't prefer to do this but it comes up frequently as a country preference

  • Carl: reach out to HIE Dev Ops community–trying to pull together recs and best practices; there may be things that can be leveraged there.
  • Would we loop in Josh Zamor? Cape Carl attends these calls 

Gaurav: Had a conversation with PATH's access to oxygen team, they were looking to deploy an asset mgmt system. There is an opportunity to significantly expand the OpenLMIS footprint.

Brian: Had a call with Alex from PATH yesterday to move this oxygen work along; DRC is well positioned for this

Workstreams Update: Partnership search and PHMFSlides here: 

Partnership to Handover

  • Status of partner conversations
  • Discussion / Q&A
  • 2. Maintenance Fund

    3. Community Engagement

    OpenLMIS COVID ResponseRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)
  • Recap of our response to date:
    • May webinar -reiterate importance of supply chain/data visibility
    • Launch of OpenLMIS-COVID-19 Edition (CHAI, SolDevelo, stewards)
    • Using committee meetings to share updates/challenges
  • What else can/should we be doing (important guidance to share, for example)?
  • Global insights about coordination mechanisms or the 'global control tower platform'. Allocation decisions?
    • Kelly: Not much of an update- no global control tower; but several portals that are doing procurement. Flag: Africa CDC portal; this is one of several portals that have emerged lately. It would be ideal if there was a way to aggregate all the data from these portals, but nobody is stepping up to do
    • Brandon: WHO & UN had set up a portal for countries to order supplies and GF and Unicef had set up another portal for PPE type products. Fractured ecosystem. DirectRelief supplying PPE for CHWs. Equitable distribution of vaccines will be another area to continue to look at 
    • Ashraf: vaccines, we expect if a vaccine comes in that there will be a huge effort for equitable distribution; can we get ahead of the game and reach out to contacts at the WHO (TZ and Moz have national level EPI OpenLMIS)
      • could leverage OpenLMIS–start looking into what the requirements would be; get info on how they are thinking about distribution of vaccine; how can we prepare the system to be able to handle it
      • Gates is a vital force behind this global effort
      • Kelly: Sits on the ACT accelerator vaccine pillar country readiness logistics and supply sub-team. They had first meeting last week; sill keep an eye on this conversation as it evolves but it is in early stage right now. Its not going to use existing systems or same populations. Role of OpenLMIS is unclear... Presentation of vaccine is unclear.
      • Short term priority for vaccine is to go to healthcare workers. Do we have a good healthworker tracking HR information system? There are groups that OpenLMIS has not interacted with before; unique identifier for individuals might be needed in the medium term
      • Brandon: OpenSRP integration could be relevant connection in this mix; maybe we could speak to Ona again to raise this conversation, to be ready
      • Brian: could have prediction capabilities possible to predict # of healthworkers
      • Ashraf: birth registry system called TIMR (question) that is in TZ but they track unique identifiers for newborns, a different one in Zambia that also uses HL7FHIR
  • OpenHIE COVID Task Force- OpenLMIS Team has been there; insight into procurement challenges that countries face
    • Received a total of 19 submission. EOI is officially closed, but we may receive responses from GHX & Infor. Initial pitch conversations being completed this month.
    • Image Added

    • Public Health Maintenance Fund
    • Image Added
    • Discussion / Q&A
      1. Joint review of current draft PHMF tiered support structure 
        1. Gaurav: suggestion to add info on what support they would receive (if any) in the self-supported option, grey column
      2. Discuss possible pricing structures; 
        1. Kelly: Hosting costs- different on AWS? 
        2. Wes: Our hosting focus would be for demos, not traditional hosting. 
        3. Carl: Could have different pricing structure for small vs large countries (Lesotho vs Nigeria); look at SnowMed's model; based on gross national income Or if a place that has state would that be a per state? 
        4. Ashraf: price it in a way that is more attractive than commercial options
        5. Wes: realistically countries will not be paying for this directly; our LOE doesnt really go up or down based on the size of the implementation or number of users; so the pricing structure might not need to adjust based on size of implementation

    Linking with Product catalogs

    Activity to take GS1 standards and make sure they are represented in FHIR; to spread use of FHIR in the health information space; get standardized representation of supply chain data from systems like EMR the more visibility we have into forecasting needs, etc. That work is under way

    Getting ready for the next stage of this work: having product catalog to pool all of the data into cohesive lists; both natl catalogs as well as global product catalogs (RHSC, COVID19), and how to map all those together

    Getting this work initiated -

    Want to pull in inputs from the PCMT community and OpenLMIS community to make sure we meet the needs of everyone 

    Assume we (OpenLMIS) wants to adhere to these standards

    Is there interest in this group of having a continued discussion? Wes: Yes, this is something we want to leverage and be able to interoperate with. Product Committee could be a good next step

    Implications for roadmap and timelines; want to get strategic alignment as well

    Next Step: Wesley Brown to facilitate discussion on this in upcoming Product Committee Meeting; then we can loop back to governance committee re: strategy/timelines 


    Conferences and Meetings

    Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum.


    Upcoming (Virtual) Conferences for 2020 (let's add them here!)There is interest in a Digital Square maintained Calendar of Events. So we might eventually link with that calendar in the future

    • Global Health Supply Chain Summit
      • Nov 9-20th (really??) (virtual)
    • Global Digital Health Forum 
      • December 2020 , Washington DC (virtual)
      • OpenLMIS core team submitting abstracts
    • Question: Will there be another Global Health Supply Chain summit this year? 
      • submitted abstracts

    Opportunities documentation

    Definitions to use shared terminology:

    • Implementation opportunity: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.
    • Community opportunity: a funding opportunity to support an organization or individual to work directly on the global codebase and/or administrate the community processes. This may include funding specific features on the community roadmap.

    Country implementation opportunities:

    • This Trello table is being updated on an ongoing basis; to help the core team to track and manage implementation opportunities, but also provides a detailed snapshot of the scope and status of current implementation opportunities for stakeholders.

    Community Opportunities:

    • New Trello table! Similar to the above table, this tool is being used by the stewards to track our exploring of new product opportunities and partnerships

    Study Tours:

    • Study Tours wiki page tracks applications received, study tours completed, and other key milestones related to OpenLMIS Study Tours (this activity is no longer active due to COVID-19)

    Community and Product Updates
    Product Updates
    Community Updates


    ATTENDANCE:  Wesley BrownRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Wesley BrownBrandon Bowersox-JohnsonBrian Taliesin Kelly Hamblin, Jean Miller, Kelly Hamblin, AshrafJakub Sławiński, Jamal S Lindabeth Doby, Jamal Sayess (Unlicensed)Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed)Carl LeitnerAshraf




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