Welcome Tenly Snow: OpenLMIS Community Manager

Welcome Tenly Snow: OpenLMIS Community Manager

Tenly Snow, has recently joined the OpenLMIS team as your first OpenLMIS Community Manager! We are excited to have a dedicated resource building engagement with partners, countries, and donors in order to grow and strengthen the OpenLMIS community. A few things you will see Tenly working in the new few months are:

  • Increase country-level participation in OpenLMIS
  • Building out a "to be" vision of the OpenLMIS Community 
  • Strengthening responsiveness to OpenLMIS inquires, and inquiry follow-up
  • Working with the governance committee to determine community development priorities for 2016

Tenly joins us from JSI, where she served as a Technical Advisor on supply chain projects, primarily in West Africa. Tenly also brings experience working with the Clearwater Basin Collaborative in Montana, bringing parties with diverse interests together to develop land use policy. Prior to this she served in the Peace Corps in Senegal. She is fluent in French and Wolof. 


Expect to hear more from Tenly in the coming weeks. She will also be joining upcoming meetings of the Technical, Product, and Governance committee to introduce herself.

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software