Facility Categories
It will be useful to group SELV’s “facility types” into what may be informally called “facility categories.” Each facility-category is presented below followed by its associated facility-types.
Health Facility
Centro de Saude Rural Tipo 1
Centro de Saude Rural Tipo 2
Centro de Saude Urbano Tipo A
Centro de Saude Urbano Tipo B
Centro de Saude Urbano Tipo C
Posto de Saude
Hospital Central
Hospital Distrital
Hospital Especializado
Hospital Geral
Hospital Militar
Hospital Provincial
Hospital Rural
District Warehouse
Deposito Distrital de Vacinas
Deposito Distrital de Vacinas - Provincias Nao Prioritaria
Provincial Warehouse
Deposito Provincial de Vacinas
Intermediary Warehouse
Armazem Intermediario
Central Warehouse
Armazem Central de Vacinas
Additionally, SELV currently contains the following two facility-types:
“FHIR's facility type”
These two facility-types are unused (meaning that there are no facilities defined using them) and unassociated with a facility-category. For most purposes, they can be ignored.