Dashboard do PAV

Dashboard do PAV

Dashboard do PAV
Tab Coberturas.

In the Filter, we need to replace the Time range with Periodo
Superset should automatically translate this when Portuguese is selected for use. Unfortunately, however, it doesn't and we'll likely have to wait for them to fix this.

From Timoteo:Got it.

A lot of places we see strange reference numbers. Example 640m, I wonder what m, represents since in this particular table we supposed to present coverages in %.
I'm not sure how best to address this and hope get Clay Crosby (Unlicensed)'s thoughts.

Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): It looks like Superset adds the "m" but that it doesn't offer an explicit way to specify an alternate formatting. As the screenshot below shows, I noticed that casting the value to a string keeps Superset from appending the "m." It also causes Superset to left-align the value, though, which would look rather poor our existing layouts. Do you think there's a better approach than casting the values to strings?

From Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): The "m" only appears when the number are less than one. This won't typically occur for vaccines, but may happen on the Coverage section. Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) will look at Darlene's work to see how she addressed this for another client. (The "m" is somewhat confusing, as Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) point out.)

We need to use % in this type of charts. On other hand, I would prefer to remove decimal numbers. (Instead of 0.0, or 95.2, just having 95% in the y lines)
That makes sense, Timoteo, but I want to run this by Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) prior to tweaking charts he's worked on.

Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): It looks like the setting circled in the screenshot below gets us closer to what Timoteo's after. Do you know of an even better alternative offhand and, if not, do you think it would be alright for me to tweak some of our bar charts such that they use the ",.1%" format?

From Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): The above solution isn't ideal, and it's easy to inadvertently mess up the numbers. For example, the above chart should show values which top out around 1.2% rather that 120%. Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) knows how to update the Y-axis in the various charts to accommodate Timoteo's request, though, and will do so.


In this main table, we can keep the word cobertura .
But for all Tables under the above table, we can remove the word Cobertura de, and leave the rest of the word.

Also this is applied to all charts in this Tab. Since we have the Cobertura BCG(%) Highlighted in the chart legend, we can remove the Cobertura de, in the chart title

Thank you very much, Timoteo. I've made the above changes and think they really improve the dashboard. Elements still become misaligned when viewed from within a narrow browser window. Unlike before, however, all of the page's data remain accessible.

Tab Rupturas de Stock.

In the chart title were we have Media do Distrito, we can replace with Média dos Distritos
Thank you - I've made this change.

Tab Utilização de Vacinas.

In this main table, we can keep the word Taxa de Utilização de Vacinas .

But for all remaining tables, we can remove the word Taxa de Utilização de Vacinas , and leave the rest of the word.
Thank you very much - I made these changes and think they help the layout.

Also this is applied to all charts in this Tab. Since we have the Utilização DPT(%) Highlighted in the chart legend, we can remove the Taxa de Utilização, in the chart title.
Thank you very much - I made these changes and think they help the layout

For this Chart, I believe that doesn't rely on the Filter period, so we should consider to replace the word Perido Filtrado, with Média das Provincias, it means in English Average of provinces

It looks as though the above chart is currently affected by the filter. When I selected a "Time range" of "last quarter," for example, the chart updated to look like this:

Is this okay? I think it may be nice for the chart to continue reacting to filter selections in a manner similar to most other charts.

Form Timoteo: I thought that this was year to date chart. I tried to change the Time period but the filter section becomes blank
Hi Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed). I think there has been some confusion regarding how the chart should behave. Specifically, I think the question is whether it should:

       A) Default to the display of year-to-date values, but still allow for the display of alternate time ranges when the user chooses them within the page's main filter.
       B) Always show year-to-date values regardless of the user's selection in the main filter.

I sounds like you prefer option B. Is that correct? 

You're absolutely right that the page's main filter is broken right now, which makes experimentation with the page difficult.

Tab Quebra Vacinal

In this main table, we can keep the word IQV, it comes iQV, replace with IQV . So it will be IQV-DPT, Sarampo e BCG –Periodo FIltrado.

For all remaining tables, we can remove the word IQV, and leave the rest of the word. This is also applied for bar and line charts in this tab.
Thank you – I've made the above changes.

In the Chart below, I think there is no need to highlight "This calendar year" since in Portuguese language the translation does not comes well for this one.we can just leave DPT, Sarampo e BCG

I hope it's okay that I temporarily replaced "This calendar year" with "Este Año." If the chart is intended to correspond to a preset time period rather than to the page's filter, it seems important to highlight that fact. What's confusing, though, is that the chart reacts to the page's filter (and chosen time-period) just like most of our other charts. The labels "This calendar year" and "Este Año" therefore both seem misleading.  Unfortunately I couldn't test the filter for this chart, whenever I change anything in the filter, it becomes blank. Please correct Este Año with Este Ano..  I replaced "Este Año" with "Este Ano."
Will you please confirm, Timoteo, how the above chart should behave? Should it indeed show data only for "This calendar year?" Or should it instead react to users' chosen filter values just like most of our other charts?  From Timoteo: I think for this chart we supposed to have data for the current year, and seems to be a year to date chart. Hi Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed): I'm confused. Will you please elaborate regarding the way in which you'd like the chart to behave? My guess is that you'd like it to display year-to-date data regardless of the time period users choose within the page's main filter. Is that correct?

CC: Clay Crosby (Unlicensed).

Tab Envolvimento comunintário

In this chart, we can remove the word Envolvimento communitário and leave: Palestras - Taxa de Execução por Provincias.

This can be applied to othe charts, and the result will be:

  • Rádio - Taxa de Execução por Provincias.
  • Brigadas Móveis - Taxa de Execução por Provincias.

We can also remove the word Envolvimento comunitário, and leave Palestras-Realizações, Tabela Detalhada. On other hand, we can remove the acronyms EC, for example:

  • Remove EC Realizado Palestra and leave Realizado
  • Remove EC Planeado Palestras and leave Planeadas

The same can be applied to Table related to Radio

And also can be applied to Mobile brigades

Note that in this table header the BM de Execução must to be replaced with Taxa de Execução
Thank you – I've made the above changes.

I couldn't review the RED/REC and Fundos do HSS, since there is no data. Agues we had some fake data in RED/ERC, but it is not displaying data.
I added some data and charts to the RED/REC section. Will you please take a look, Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed), and provide the translations that you think best.

From Timoteo: In the Chart above, if possible, the Planned Bar should come first and the executed bar as second.
Hi Clay Crosby (Unlicensed). Do you happen to know of an easy way to accommodate Timoteo's request? I didn't see one and wonder if I'm missing something simple.

This Tab introductory  text can be: Esta secção contém gráficos  e tabelas sobre a expansão do RED/REC para os distritos. Esta informação é reportada trimestralmente mediante o número de distritos planificados para a expansão em detrimento do número de distritos expandidos.

Translations: Executed: Realizado, Planned: Planeado.

RED-REC Provincial Chart: Expansão do RED/REC por

Thank you very much! I've made the above changes. : )

The "Fundos do HSS" sections are also ready for your review, Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed), and arranged as follows:

* The "Fundos do HSS" dashboard which Clay created resides at https://dashboard-pav.openlmis.org/superset/dashboard/13/. Only users with HSS-related permissions can view it.

From Timoteo: In this Section, the Chart below, must to be the first to appear. It can even be a year to data chart.  I believe that we used fake data for October and November since for this indicator we don't expect to have values above 100%
Thank you Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) - that's a good idea, and I moved the chart to the top of the page.
I'm still unclear about how "year to date" charts should work, though, and notice that this chart isn't labeled as being one. For now, because this chart resides on its own page, and because we have so little data for it, I suggest that we default to showing its data for any and all periods even while giving users the option to specify differently via the page's filter. Do you think that would be reasonable?

For all charts, we can simplify the names of the sites in the legend. Instead of DIRECÇÃO PROVINCIAL DE SAÚDE DE GAZA, we can just leave Gaza.
Hi Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) - I agree that this would be nice. At the moment, the labels within the legend come directly from what users send us via the Excel file. So, for example, the legend includes "DIRECÇÃO PROVINCIAL DE SAÚDE DE GAZA" because it appears as follows:

Because you mentioned elsewhere that we don't have control over the contents of this Excel file and can't reasonably ask users to specify shorter names I'll work with Clay on next-steps.

Hi Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): it would be really helpful to to replace "DIRECCAO PROVINCIAL DA SAUDE DE" with an empty string as part of the E-SISTAFE data-ingestion process. I looked for the proper place to do so within NiFi, but wonder if you'd be willing to have Antonette or the intern that you mentioned make the change. I'm guessing it'll be significantly faster for Antonette than for me and, as always, am hesitant to change things I don't fully understand. (Please note that the E-SISTAFE values currently in the database are ones I inserted by hand in order to develop and test the frontend.)

For the charts below, I was thinking on removing the MINISTERIO DA SAUDE to a separated chart or just keeping it on the table, because it uses large number of money and become misfit when combining with other provinces in same chart.

That makes a lot of sense. If it's okay with you, though, I suggest we save this change for the next version of the dashboard. This is because:

A) The change will introduce complexity which I think we should avoid at the moment.

B) The charts can easily be adjusted even as-is by clicking on the colored dots within the legend. For example, this is what the left-most chart looks like after I deselect the two highlighted entries:

For these reasons, do you think that it would be okay to save the introduction of new charts for version 2 of the dashboard?

* The limited amount of data exposed by the  "Fundos do HSS" tab in the Dashboard do PAV is accessible to all users. This comports with the requirement on the Data Sources page which says "By default, SELV+ Dashboard users should only see the data represented by column E of the Excel spreadsheet."

*  The "Fundos do HSS" tab in the Provincial Dashboard is something I think we should delete. Would that be alright?
From Timoteo: I agree.
Thank you; I've done my best to remove it, and have described the remaining work in item #2 on the Next Version: Potential Improvements page.

As an FWI, Clay Crosby (Unlicensed), I added some test data to the "esistafe" table.

As you can see in the screenshot below, Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed),
the Unidade de Gestão values in the test-data we were given are very long and therefore interfere with the page's current layout. Although we can do a little to fix this, I think we'd be much better off by encouraging users to specify short values like "NIASSA" rather than "DIRECCAO PROVINCIAL DA SAUDE DE NIASSA" Is this something you thing we can do?. From Timoteo: It make sense, I have already specified this need above. Unfortunately is something that if possible we need to handle by our side, the HSS focal person, extract the data from eSistaf just the way it is shown, we need to be able to not display  the full name.  Noted - thank you very much, Timoteo. I've asked Clay about next-steps. 

I hope you don't mind that I took on some more visualizations, Clay Crosby (Unlicensed). Addressing the issues with the Coverage tab's calculations isn't something for which I'm equipped, so this seemed like an alternate way of pitching in.


We need to correct the name of this tab, it's not REC/REC but RED/REC, see below.

Thank you – I made that change.

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