Interoperability (& Integration)

Interoperability (& Integration)

OpenLMIS wants to be a highly interoperable system:  after all no one IT system can run a supply chain on its own.  Just as no one IT systems can run an entire national health system on its own.

To this end OpenLMIS is most in alignment with the goal of interoperability through leveraging open standards.  In practical terms this means that OpenLMIS believes that utilizing widely available and agreed upon data element definitions, formats and protocols leads to shared semantics of that data, and that doing this is better to the long term sustainability of any integration solution than not.  Some may describe this as being "integration ready", though this goes beyond this description as the unambiguous shared semantics achieved should be viable long after the lifespan of individual projects, vendors, and products.

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software