2019-04-05 Team Lead Meeting


Apr 5, 2019


  • @Ashraf

  • @Sebastian Brudziński

  • @Craig Appl (Unlicensed)

  • @Wesley Brown

Discussion topics









15 min

General Discussion


https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/501580018/The+3.6+Regression+and+Release+Candidate+Test+Plan+work+in+progress (Joanna and Sam will present this sometime in Sprint 122 to all the teams.

  • TLs to identify point person for bug triage per team

    • JSI: Ashraf

    • Ona: Clay

    • Parrot: Joanna

    • MtG: Sam


Reporting capacity trip:

  • May 6, 7

    • TZ, Zambia, Ethiopia: Not sure about how/where to get a VISA

    • JSI: 2 from TZ, 2 from Zambia (1 Ethiopian), 1 US (optional, Elias)

    • SolDevelo: 2 or 3 (including 1 person from Angola team)

    • VillageReach: 2 (Chongsun and Ben)

  • Loose Agenda:

    • Supserset

    • Deployment

    • Ingesting Data into Nifi


  • Open Questions:

    • Location!

      • Zambia

        • Would require advanced notice: 1-2 weeks

        • Would host within the office

        • No Yellow-fever vaccination required

        • Could invite people from the MoH

      • Kenya - Lenana Conference Centre

        • Ashraf: Might be better to have people remote so that they are not pulled into daily work

        • Craig: Would not be able to have MoH attend

        • Lead time: 3+ weeks

      • Voting:

        • Kenya: +++

        • Zambia: +

Sprint 122 Showcase:

  • Last showcase, will 15m be enough time?

    • Instead of giving sprint overview, showcase should show general overview of release. In that case 15m should be okay.

  • Do 5-10 m review of test plan right after showcase


10 min



  • We are on track for the sprint

  • We need help with:

    • Getting the HAPI FHIR PR merged and up on test.openlmis.org

10 min




Ref Data UI:

  • Waiting on DIAL for some discussions around the contract (waiting on the funds)

10 min




10 min



Two infrastructure problems:

  • Missing messages for translations

    • Transifex is giving an error for some of the services such as CCE

    • The organization has outgrown it’s current plan limits

    • SolDevelo doesn’t have admin access to transifex, so we will nee support from VR

    • This doesn’t impact the patch release from Angola

    • Josh will follow up on Transifex today

  • Deployment to the performance test server (blocking deployment test improvements)

    • Getting an error connected to certificates which has happened before

    • We need support from Josh or Chongsun

    • Josh will review it today

Other updates

  • Patch releases are happening now

  • Progress is on functional tests, which are currently in QA and the manual test cases are being updated

  • We anticipate to have these items complete by the end of the sprint


Action items

Craig Appl will email to schedule a time (or Discourse) for scoping rights, roles and access
@Craig Appl (Unlicensed) to create tickets for NIFI issues related to demo instance
@Wesley Brown Send out meeting invite for testing review after Showcase
@Ashraf To add reviewed tickets to current sprint


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