Report Definition: Stock Out

Report Definition: Stock Out


There is a stock-out of a product if:

  • The health was visited and existing stock is zero  (epi_inventory = 0) 

If the health center is not visited, there is not a stock out.

If the health was visited and epi_inventory for the product is null, there is not a stock out.


HU Vistied?


for product

Stock Out?

Yinteger > 0N

Tableau Calculation

sum(if (([visited]=1) and ([epi_inventory_measles_existing] = 0)) then 1 else 0 end)

Compared to vrMIS

Data should match vrMIS

Change History


when health center is visited, but N/R (null) is recorded

for a product, it should not count as a stock out

Originally Wendy thought that in this scenario it should

count as a stock-out, but we discovered several issues during the

data analysis that changed her mind:

  • using this rule stock-outs in SELV are much higher the vrMIS, because vrMIS didn't have this rule
  • often field coordinators use N/R before a vaccine has been rolled out (i.e. PCV). In this case it shouldn't count as a stock-out because the vaccine isn't in use yet
  • often field coordinators use N/R for syringes and other items that are difficult to count