Topic | Notes |
Deployment Plan | - Deployment requirements were discussed: UAT testing must happen, Jan. data entry must be complete, no new distributions can be initiated, and users will be locked out of the system.
- Deployment schedule pushed back 1 week to allow adequate time for completion of Jan. data entry
- Christine & Tatenda to have knowledge transfer and UAT planning meeting next week (date TBD)
- Data completeness report format is problematic, evaluate fix for report for inclusion in deployment
ColdTrace | - Additional ColdTrace devices scheduled to complete deployment by end Feb/early March
- Some Gaza devices may be removed due to problematic service with mobile provider
- Additional training for new ColdTrace integration may be required, as well as additional materials
Additional SELV changes | - Christine to review request for incorporating community-level data for Zambezia (and others) in SELV and provide high-level estimates of effort and cost
Other issues | - Niassa Nov. data entry underway
- Gaza reports - Christine to send reports as separate reports for Norte & Sul Gaza due to different distribution schedules. Christine will also evaluate changes required if possible to put in 1 report, at which point decision for future report format will be identified