2021-05-27 Technical Committee (Mobile framework)
Time | Topic | Who |
5m | Agenda review | Josh |
20m | Go over forum post | Josh |
20m | Open floor / | Everyone |
10m | Next steps | Josh |
5m | AOB | Everyone |
ODK - design and dynamic forms
very popular right now (PWA and Web Bluetooth quite active)
Rewriting application from Angular → React / Angular newer
Easier to maintain as it’s all one application with different views
Easier to upgrade, as the user you can refresh the page (like currently)
Don’t have to re-rewrite everything, can do one part after another:
we’d change the scaffolding (dev-ui) of the app, so that we could have different parts in different versions.
does this restrict us on functionality?
depending on version of browser on mobile device (i.e. some of this trial use)
camera access good, however
zxxing (josh to link)
bluetooth access not so great - not full list
will user notice a difference?
should look native (try http://starbucks.com , spotify)
does this have any implications for releasing within a release cycle (3 months), mobile specifically?
PWA: helps as the feature is developed, so in putting out mobile the feature is good, and the going to mobile is also fixing some tech debt on web UI.
experience/perspective from vitialiance
have multiple interfaces
PWA is interesting
they’ve gone down this path and ended up in a hybrid, to try to cover as many devices as possible
been lucky in that they have legacy and new initiatives: been going down the PWA path.
no app store
wide audience
ways around hardware:
camera is easier
pick the right PWA (Blazor has some device backing, good roadmap, purchased by MS but open). Has starting templates. Xamarin roadmap. iOS is trickier overall.
Android and feature phones likely high for our users.
feature phones for our use case might be lower. e.g. if a CHW is in the field with a feature phone, they might be doing some stock mgmt closer to tracer products rather than full supply chain type things.
Did you try to use some IVR integrations for feature phones
yes, but some time ago. More with USSD.
Pawel has used some IVR and SMS gateway pieces. Grameen’s system.
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