Tasks / Timeline

Tasks / Timeline

OpenLMIS v3.0

The project is managed in JIRA.  Project specifics and showcase/demo recordings are at OpenLMIS v3 Project.

Tasks listed below are done - hooray!

Main Tasks (March & April)

  1. Define OpenLMISv3 feature scope: A feature matrix / implementation landscape has been developed - analysis is ongoing. Product committee to discuss the 3.0 scope during their next meeting (next week, March 22) 

  2. Document the domain model: Model ideas are relatively well defied thus far - vet these against the implementation landscape document. An essential document for both the architectural design. 

  3. Define and document the target architecture and approach: Many options, need to hash them out and pick a path. Design week tentatively proposed for week of March 28. 

  4. Project Plan & Acceleration Proposal: MVP + a la carte options (April) 

  5. Contract an implementation partner: Already working on this and will continue to do so in parallel with the above tasks (April) 

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software