OpenLMIS Stewards

OpenLMIS Stewards

This page provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities for the OpenLMIS Steward Team, and how each of them are available to you to support the OpenLMIS Community. A detailed description of each steward's core responsibilities is available here. We encourage anyone with questions, suggestions, or contributions to contact the OpenLMIS Steward team via Slack (openlmis.slack.com) or via email for followup.

Brian Taliesin (OpenLMIS Director)

Contact Brian Taliesin in OpenLMIS Slack (@btaliesin) or email brian.taliesin@openlmis.org. Brian is based at PATH as Director of Project Management & Knowledge Management.

Reach out to Brian for:

  • Overall OpenLMIS product and community vision
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Management of steward team

Wesley Brown (Technical Product Manager)

Contact Wesley Brown in OpenLMIS Slack (@wes) or email wes.brown@villagereach.org

Reach out to Wes for:

  • Input or feedback related to OpenLMIS software development (desired features, challenges with the software, etc.)
  • Questions or suggestions related to the Product Committee (suggested agenda items, other contributions)
  • Input or feedback related to the Product Roadmap and translating product needs along with the Architect
  • Supporting current implementations and collecting feedback for the product
  • Conducting and supporting demos for potential implementation opportunities
  • Software development process and performance

Rebecca Alban (Community Manager)

Contact Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) in OpenLMIS Slack (@Rebecca Alban) or email rebecca.alban@openlmis.org or info@openlmis.org 

Reach out to Rebecca for:

  • Learning more about how to engage with the OpenLMIS community! 
  • Questions or suggestions related to the Governance Committee 
  • OpenLMIS communications and marketing (conference participation, blogs, website, wiki pages, marketing collateral, etc.)
  • Opportunities to implement OpenLMIS in new geographies
  • Engagement with new implementers, technology partners, and funders
  • Implementer Toolkit

Josh Zamor (Architect)

Contact Josh Zamor in OpenLMIS Slack (@joshzamor) or email josh.zamor@openlmis.org

Reach out to Josh for:

  • OpenLMIS software architecture
  • OpenHIE subcommittee
  • Software interoperability, integrations and using standards for data exchange (FHIR, GS1)
  • Questions or suggestions related to the Technical Committee
  • Interfacing with other open source communities

Brandon (VillageReach, Director of Digital Solutions)

Contact Brandon Bowersox-Johnson in OpenLMIS Slack (@brandon) or email brandon.bowersox-johnson@villagereach for:

  • Contracts, budgets and grant management for grants that flow through VillageReach, which currently supports many of the stewards.
  • VillageReach Country Implementations: Brandon is the Trusted Partner contact.
  • Sustainability and Governance topics: Brandon is the VillageReach representative on the OpenLMIS Governance Committee.

Overview of OpenLMIS Community:

Stewards work as a team to support the OpenLMIS Community overall.

What is an OpenLMIS Steward?

OpenLMIS Stewards: are a small team of experts in supply chain management and software development whose goal is to ensure the quality of the OpenLMIS software and promote the uptake of OpenLMIS at a global scale. Stewards lead the product development, coordinate community actors, manage communications/advocacy efforts, provide support to current implementations, develop supportive documentation, and shephard the OpenLMIS community as a whole to ensure it is meeting its goals.

OpenLMIS steward host regular committee meeting to coordinate inputs from the members of the OpenLMIS Community:

Detailed descriptions of steward roles and responsibilities in advancing OpenLMIS are available in this document

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